Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Birth Day

This Girl!!!! FBR in her Ball Tent

Happiest of Birthdays to my absolute favorite country in the world. I’ve been in a lot of them and despite our obvious warts (yes I’m looking in the direction of D.C.) we’re still the best example of what freedom and drive can produce. I know the snarky left will produce all kinds of stats and pronouncements about our failures in comparison to other, mainly European, countries but I’ve been there. I know better. This is still a place where the content of your character and willingness to work can elevate your station in life. So Happy Birthday America – I love ya! Pay no attention to those social justice warriors bad mouthing you.
I want to thank all the friends and family that reached out yesterday when I was feeling a little down from learning about my latest impending dermatological mining expedition. I feel like such a wimp now but every now and then a little self-pity is good if it reveals how many great and caring friends are out there. Thanks to all for your messages of support. I got this.
I was probably a little down also from another trip to Home Depot where I loaded what will become my new front stair case into the car in the oppressive heat. Deckzilla Dude and I raided the local establishment for just about all the unfinished oak stair treads and backers that they had. Oak is heavy. Just saying. The Dude and his daughter have nearly finished the entire first bedroom and it looks great.
Savior in Chief
First Bedroom
The biggest lift was a call from Great Aunt and an extended video call with the FBR facilitated by Wingman since my daughter was off gallivanting around the big city. Initially the FBR didn’t want to talk but I think she picked up on my mood and immediately launched into entertainment mode. She called again today with my daughter and any thoughts of self-doubt were vanquished by the prospect of their visit tomorrow. I also informed the FBR that her abuela is very ticklish which could lead to some interesting chases.
My Favorite Panamanian and I took in Sicario Day of the Soldado which takes the most deadly characters of the first Sicario movie and gives them their own story. The plot misses the presence of Emily Blunt (who wouldn’t) who offered an everyman’s conscience into the brutality of warring with Mexican drug cartels. The young daughter of a Cartel chief is kidnapped by Brolin and Del Toro to start a drug war that soon spirals out of control. There were a lot of layers here all liberally coated with almost constant viciousness. Del Toro might very well be the greatest actor of this generation because he imbues his ruthless character with soul. Blunt’s role is entrusted to the young Mexican girl and you see her innocence slowly drained away by exposure to the violence of her father’s world. No one is left unscarred by a plot that kind of loses its way for the middle third but is carried by Del Toro. A great thriller and sufficiently different from the original to let it stand on its own.

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