Thursday, July 12, 2018

On the Bubble

Bubble Master at Work
Yesterday was a semi-recovery day with the FBR after our heated pursuit of wild animals on Tuesday. I say recovery because I am re-learning the lesson about how much energy is required to squire a two year old around. Parenting is definitely a job that requires a significant of vitality that has thoroughly seeped out of the post-sixty year old version of myself. This is a job nature correctly assigned to the young. I cannot stop myself from trying though because the FBR is such a genuine delight to hang out with.
Trying to Leave for Work

The Death Stare
Yesterday she did want me to leave for work, to the point that she wrapped her arms around my legs and refused to let me walk out to the car. She only relented when I told her that my Favorite Panamanian needed her help in watering the garden. I still got a death stare of betrayal from the front porch as I pulled away. I redeemed myself when I got home from work by spending her remaining waking hours out on deckzilla blowing bubbles. Great Aunt gifted an immense bottle of bubble making material which was calling our names. We alternated producing bubbles while the other person was responsible for destroying said bubbles before they hit the ground. She was a lot more dedicated to pursuit than I was.
Helping Abuela with Garden

She has adopted the backyard animals as her personally anointed “friends”. At the top of the list are the three chipmunks that live in the walls of the backyard garden terraces. The rodents seem to reciprocate the feelings, it could be the FBR’s insistence I keep the bird feeder filled with seeds even though her friends acrobatically inhale all the seeds before a bird can get near them. Last night a seemingly suicidal chipmunk was literally jumping three times his height trying to grab bumble bees as they serviced the flowers in the garden. Luckily, for him, he never succeeded but did produce a couple spectacular falls that the FBR thoroughly enjoyed.
Of Course there was pool Time

And then More Bubbles

And Then Some More
My Favorite Panamanian arranged an early morning medical checkup for herself  today that had me responsible for the initial wakeup and breakfast for the FBR. I’m assuming the laborious detail she went into explaining what was expected of me was not a comment on my intelligence although that was hard to discern at the time. We had a great time after wake up blowing some more bubbles until the FBR knocked over the big bottle and spilled most of it. Combined with the residue of our bubble making efforts of the previous evening whatever animals living under deckzilla have been thoroughly cleansed. I got the same frantic hugs when I tried to leave for work. I broke the spell by reminding her that her abuela was taking her to a nearby farm/amusement park today. I was forgotten in short order as she clamped onto my wife. Fleeting is fame when the source is a two year old. I could not be happier, she is the best.
A Rare Moment of Non-Action

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