Monday, February 9, 2015

Tropic Denial

This is not the look I was going for today as I should be wending my way south to enjoy an eight day tropical sojourn with my favorite Panamanian. For the third Monday in a row we’re getting hit by a major snow storm. The photo above is what I looked like after the morning clearing of the driveway, a scene to be repeated when the storm moves out tonight. At the same time I was blowing the snow I couldn’t help but think I should be comfortably in seat 10D anticipating having to deal with some welcome tropical heat as well as some warmer weather.

I was talking with my wife yesterday when I checked the flight status and learned my Monday morning flight had been canceled. We hung up and I started a journey through the Copa Airlines customer service lines. I spent no less than 45 minutes listening to recorded messages while “the customer service representative is currently serving another customer”. The first real person I spoke with said the earliest they could get me out of Boston was next Sunday. I told her I needed more than a two day Panamanian vacation. Their next offer was Thursday.

I told them this was also unacceptable since it was the date of my wife’s birthday and one of the big reasons I was travelling to Panama but that I would take it if it was the best they could do. After the birthday comment she asked me to wait some more and ten minutes later she said her boss had approved me for the Tuesday flight. I thanked her profusely and told her she probably saved my marriage.
Roof Operations
Since I now had a day I hadn’t anticipated I prepared the house for the incoming storm. I got up on the porch roof and shoveled the four foot drift that built up over the past couple of weeks. I then unleashed the snow blower to cut a path to the oil ports. With this newest storm there was no way the oil guy would be able to reach it and so much easier to use a machine to cut through most of it.
The New Path
A Buddy-less home is decidedly less entertaining. I found myself looking around for him all day and I missed having the black furry head constantly within patting range. It always amazes me how much companionship a dog provides simply by being a dog. I really missed him yesterday and he would love today’s storm.

Over the weekend I went to see Seventh Son which reunited the Great Lebowski with his lady love from that iconic movie. Here he plays an aged but still dangerous medieval  witch hunter and Ms. Moore a witch queen he has sworn to kill. Lebowski burns through apprentices, including Jon Snow, before he finds a seventh son of a seventh son who’s supposed to have special powers to fight witches.

Moore seemed to understand how silly the story was and camped up her part while Bridges was incomprehensible for long periods of time. It was almost like he had marbles in his mouth for appropriate gravitas. There’s a parade of bad guys and gals who gather for the final confrontation which wasn’t as climatic as it could have been. The seventh son himself seemed like a surfer dude who wandered into medieval times. He had a hard time with the believability scale. This movie aimed high but missed badly.

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