Monday, January 6, 2014

Rhode Island Courage Leavened with New England Fickleness

The New England weather continues its annual ritual of refusing to decide what season it wants to be in.  We went from the arctic deep freeze we’d been in since last Friday’s big snow storm to freezing rain yesterday to actual rain overnight and almost balmy temperatures this morning.  It was literally 50 degrees warmer this morning at the house than it was Saturday morning.  I made my way to work though a landscape equally confused and emitting a frustrated fog at the lost snow cover.  That’s what’s fun about living around here – kind of.
Foggy Morning Along with Absent Snow Today
I thought the threatened freezing rain would wash out my planned day of NFL football with my brother in law and his brother in law.  However in an attempt to break the stereotype of Rhode Islanders who refuse to travel further than twenty miles in one waking period they journeyed through the climatic challenges to join me for football.  My thoroughly Rhode Islandized sister (who I can’t call “elder” anymore) was not as fortunate and was forced to turn around from her planned Boston day trip.

My admiration for the courage of my brother law to make his way to the far reaches of Massachusetts leaving the safety of the Ocean State was only compounded with a thoroughly enjoyable day of watching playoff football and destroying the assembled snacks.  He works in the sports media so I always enjoy getting his insight and inside stories.  Since the Patriots are usually uncooperatively excellent he isn’t available too often for an afternoon like this as he would be normally be covering a game from Gillette Stadium. Since the Pats were resting yesterday he and his wife’s husband (great company there too – Robocop to my son growing up) joined me in couch potato positions 2 and 3. 
Robocop and My Brother In Law in Positions 2 and 3
Once my wife ensured we wouldn’t injure ourselves and could operate unsupervised she snuck out to do some last minute shopping (where did that come from?!).  Watching a game with two good friends is so much better than my usual solitary state.  It also allowed us to conduct some future planning such as expanding our pub crawling long term schedule to include a Portsmouth crawl.  Robocop was a young USAF SP in that area back in the early 1970’s and wanted to sample what some of his favorite haunts had evolved into.  Ever the humanitarian I volunteered to assist in this effort, it’s how I roll.
A rare look Inside the Suitcase Packing Process
With the advent of the ice storm my wife was forced to abandon her shopping and return home.  She disappeared upstairs to continue the arcane process of packing for her trip to Panama.  I think she’s just about reached critical mass in the process but I wouldn’t dare guess.  It is just too complicated a procedure for someone as dense as I apparently am to offer anything like advice.  I’ll be joining her for a couple weeks in late January and she starting to transfer items from her over stuffed suitcases to mine.  This could lead to some interesting conversations if my bag is searched upon arrival in Panama.  Like I said – I don’t ask.
Almost Ready - Now For the Weigh In
Once the brave souls headed back to Rhode Island on the slick roads I was left to my own wiles while my wife continued with the above described maneuverings.  I stumbled onto a marathon of the show Shameless on one of the cable channels.  This was some incredibly funny stuff surrounding a morally bankrupt family struggling through life in the slums of Chicago.  It was truly like watching a train wreck but impossible to look away.  William J Macy is too funny as the thoroughly narcissistic and abusive “leader” of the Gallagher clan.  He’s so evil that he becomes incredibly funny.
Well, back to the balmy Monday morning and the attendant work schedule.  I guess I should enjoy it, we’ll be back in single digit temperatures tomorrow morning.  New England. 

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