Saturday, January 11, 2014

Confused Robins

I awoke yesterday to an unexpected carpet of snow.  I’ve found I don’t watch the television news as much with my wife’s departure and yesterday it cost me because the weather guys had called for this.  It was only about an inch and a half but more than enough to require deployment of the snow blower (require might be a bit of an exaggeration).  It’s been so cold lately than everything that fell immediately stuck around and the driveway to my hilltop abode became a luge track.
Late Afternoon in Brew City
It snowed off and on throughout the day but there’s a real sense of post holiday gloom around everybody.  Of course it could just be me, my solitary home situation, or the effects of living the past week in the polar vortex.  My excellent boss decreed that a First Friday was in the offing and we left work a little early to establish residency at the Brew City Pub and conduct a work out consisting of twelve ounce curls (actually they were twenty ounce but you get what I’m saying). 
The Friday Workout Regimen
It was a nice way to end the week and something I really needed.  The CFO joined us later and we spent the time complaining about politicians and each other, a good time.  I had to behave more than I usually do because my designated driver was no longer in residence for the later Friday night drive to Zorba’s.

I came home to find the driveway once again coated with the white stuff but there was no way I was operating the snow blower with the product of my workout under my belt.  Buddy was released and then I started out for Zorba’s.  Remember what I said earlier about the luge track?  The next door neighbor was pulling out of her driveway the same time I was and thankfully stopped when she saw my descent.  I hit the brakes at the top of the driveway but the car didn’t even slow down and slid until I reached the bottom of the hill in the middle of the street. It was a fairly interesting trip with thankfully no traffic on the street at the time.

The Zorba’s girls all came by to say hi when I took up my traditional seat in the bar area when I’m alone.  They were all very nice and acknowledged that my wife’s annual winter departure is part of the local scenery now.  I appreciated them even more when they delivered my weekly non-keto extravagance of a Zorba’s pizza – just as good in the smaller size, if a lot less fun to eat without my usual date across the table from me. 

Buddy and I watched a truly horrible movie when I returned that I couldn’t finish which is strange for me, so much for Netflix recommendation algorithms.  I did further indulge my non-keto Friday with an profligate dessert which left me in a bit of a sugar coma for a couple hours – soooooo good!
I'm Hungry Again Just Looking at Last Night's Dessert
The best part of the night came just before I headed up to the lonely bed with a call from my tropical wife.  She had left the cousin party in Panama City and reported her arrival at her parents’ place in Chiriqui.  She sounded tired but it was so nice to go to bed with her voice still fresh in my ears, I’m so married.

I awoke this morning to a truly surreal sight.  Overnight all the snow disappeared and the temperatures were in the 50’s, literally fifty degrees warmer than the day before.  The strangest thing was the backyard where I discovered a huge flock of what I can only guess were some very confused robins.  This usual harbingers of spring must have seriously jumped the gun and I hope they get the memo that winter is not finished with New England yet.  This winter is so weird.
Confused Robins in a Balmy Backyard

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