Sunday, November 18, 2012

Psychopathic Saturday

The plan yesterday, which was a continuation of my birthday celebration with my son and Keene Friend, was to take in a guy’s flick and then consume beer.  That plan did not survive contact with the enemy but it did turn out to be a fantastic day.

After a great breakfast courtesy of the esposa, we lost the M.E.G., because she had a baby shower obligation back home.  That left my wife contending with the three guys, something she handled with aplomb.  I was aghast when the planned guy’s movie, The Man with The Iron Fists, was no longer showing anywhere.  Apparently there was a need to show the latest Twilight movie on virtually every screen available.  I didn’t know there were that many pre-pubescent females around.  The pickings were fairly slim but I settled on Seven Psychopaths based on a strong recommendation from my daughter and the presence of Christopher Walken.

While we waited for the movie we learned that my Keene friend hadn’t seen the latest Spiderman reboot.  We remedied that grievous omission and my wife decided she just had to make a mad dash to the Christmas Tree Shop.  We told her that we had to leave by 1pm to make the movies and she had to be there by that time if she wanted to go with us.  She blithely assured us that she would be there.  We left the house at 1:05 after her failure to appear.

This turned out to be a good thing (something she didn’t initially agree with) because she would have hated the movie which the three of us absolutely loved.  As predicted by my daughter the movie was similar to an American version of a Guy Ritchie movie.  It jumped all over the place but the characters were so twisted that they become inordinately lovable somehow.  That is a tribute to the actors who take these quirky characters and really hang some meat on the bones of the script.  That effort is led by Sam Rockwell who I believe is one of the best actors around and he certainly shows it here as probably the most disturbed yet functional of the psychos.  Walken is very generous and the scenes between Rockwell and him were worth the price of admission alone.  Colin Farrell is the only miss in the cast because he is so inconsistent.  There are some scenes where you can clearly see the talent (and the leading man persona) but others in which he appears lost.  The movie is a treasure with too many laugh out loud moments to chronicle here.

We journeyed back to pick up the contrite wife and went out for dinner.  We then settled in to watch the top two college teams both lose out on their chance for a national championship.  This what made the weekend so special for me.  I was able to sit back on the couch and enjoy the games but also to talk and compare opinions with two of the greatest guys in the world.  One of the best birthday presents ever.

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