Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congrats Mr. President

I am glad that America made a definite choice yesterday both in the Electoral College and the popular vote.  While he was not my choice this time around he will be my president for the next four years and I hope that he will use this second term to finally be the man I thought he was in 2008.  He seems to have a sense of history and hopefully he is going to try to work with the republicans to cement his place in it.  Probably the best thing about this election was the semi-repudiation of the far right of the Republican Party.

Bruised and battered by this election maybe the politicians will actually get down to the country’s work instead of trying to screw each other over.  Post election is a time to come together and try to sort out what the people want.  If the President was truly listening he’s heard that we want bi-partisan cooperation instead of polarized back biting.  I’m going to be optimistic about this, if a little wary.  If nothing else my daughter and a certain cantankerous friend are very happy today and I’m happy for them.

We’re supposed to get 4-5 inches of snow tonight so it looks like my decision to delay deployment of the snow blower may come back to bite me for the second year in a row.  At least my wife didn’t recommend I do it this year which was what made last year so painful.  We’re both nursing fairly serious colds which seem to be peaking today – fun.  I haven’t been able to run or swim this week and that bugs me, exceedingly.

Last night was date night and we went to see the movie Flight, with Denzel Washington.  He plays a high functioning alcoholic pilot who saves a doomed plane but is then forced to confront his disease.  This was a Zemekis effort so the special effects were astounding.  I do not recommend seeing this film if you are going to be flying anywhere soon.  Washington was very good (huge surprise) but really seemed to lack chemistry with his supporting cast which was surprising because they were all very good. 

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