Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday Finish Line and Maternal Memories

Happy Birthday Mom
I was so happy to reach Friday this week even though it was only a three day work week for me.  For some reason I was exhausted despite the sub-standard work load.  My wife, ever the realist, opined that it could have something to do with the massive amount of beer consumed in Florida.  I even went to bed last night before 11pm – something of a startling event for the above named Panamanian.

Yesterday’s session with the arbitrator turned out to be a bust, at least for my part.  The lawyers got into a discussion and then decided a contract issue had to be resolved before the meat of the case.  I was released back to my office while my boss had to endure a full day in the room with the lawyers.  He certainly needed a drink after that so we ended the day at Brew City.  Is it somehow wrong that the waitress showed up with our drink order without any input from us?  A good time followed by another mystically imbued pizza at Zorba’s with my favorite realist.

This is the first weekend in a long time where we don’t have anything special planned.  There are some final yard things to be done, including the final lawn mowing and conversion of the tractor to the snow blower mode which qualifies as one of my least favorite annual activities.  Today is also Independence Day for Panama, something we usually mark with a party at the house.  This year we just felt we’d been too busy (in a good way) to put it all together.

Today is also the birthday of mother who passed away nine years ago.  She was an incredibly tough lady who had a lot to do with who I became (good and bad).  She had a lot of extremely challenging events in her life which made her a completely different person in the last few decades of her life.  In my last few conversations with her, after a serious heart operation, she seemed to be back to the loving, optimistic person I remembered from my youth.  She passed in her sleep while still in rehab from that operation.  I like to think she went out as that cherished person from my earliest years.  Happy Birthday Mom.

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