Monday, February 29, 2016

Movie Themed

Blu-Rays Finally Organized
I was totally immersed in the world of cinema as any self-respecting movie geek (guilty) would be on Oscar Sunday. After rushing through the habitual Sunday rituals in the morning I devoted the afternoon to completely re-organizing my personal movie collection (numbering over 1500 now) which due to overly generous gift givers at Christmas was threatening to overwhelm the storage unit. I ended up removing all of the Blu-rays and then allowing Darwinism to prevail in the decision to consign some of the older and the “why the hell did I buy this” DVDs to the basement, auxiliary storage area. Buddy was not impressed with the lack of attention he was receiving as it took me a lot longer than expected. The sun was setting by the times all the Blu-rays were back in place.
The Midst of the Re-Organization
I also harvested the digital download coupons from all the movies now that my daughter has instructed me how to access them. I started on some of the downloads but that will be a task for another day since there’s well over 200 to input. I’m happy with the results but it’s a temporary fix as my predilection will lead to another winnowing before the year is out, I’m sure.
I really enjoyed the Oscars this year. Chris Rock absolutely nailed the hosting job. His opening monologue should be required viewing for every American. He didn’t spare anybody, including the boycotters. My favorite line was exposing the over the top self-importance of Jada Pickett Smith’s boycott; something about Rihanna’s panties – it was hilarious. He laid bare the ingrained racism in an industry that prides itself on liberalism.
I liked the pace of the show which seemed much faster but still lasted until after midnight. Two of my personal favorites Mad Max (most wins) and Spotlight (best picture) received a lot of love. Thankfully and at long last Sad Leo had a golden spike thrust into his chest as DiCaprio finally won the Oscar he’s been in hot pursuit of over oh so many years. Lady Gaga’s song was powerful. I also liked the moments showing Brie Larson who won the best actress award. She seemed genuine and lacked the pretention this event is usually so liberally imbued with.
I thought I did a great, for me, job picking the winners as I got 11 right. My feelings of superiority were immediately dashed when I checked in with fellow movie geek – the Cali-Daughter - who’d correctly picked 16! This was the first year she hadn’t hosted an Oscar party but the First Blog Reader slept completely through the show which allowed her to enjoy it.

My Oscar Viewing Partner
ABFA (in Bright Lime Green - OF COURSE) With Son Behind
At The Chocolate Festival
The ABFA and favorite son made their annual trek to the mountains of New Hampshire over the weekend where the ABFA was able to assuage her only vice – a complete and utter love of chocolate. There’s a chocolate festival each year up in the North Country and they weren’t going to miss it. In more mundane, but exciting, news, I’ve figured out how to download an even longer version of my granddaughter’s laughing spell. I’m going to try and post it tomorrow, for today you’ll have to content yourself with simple pictures of perfection.

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