Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day Filled

California Super-Star
Yesterday was a very full day for a number of reasons. The least of which was probably the annual recognition of Punxsutawney Phil. I normally wouldn’t even mention it except this past October the Keene Friend and I stopped by that patch of Pennsylvania. It was strange to see the isolated spot so full of people yesterday in comparison to the deserted October viewing. At least Phil did better this year and predicted an early spring. I can deal with that, even if it comes from a rodent.
Keene Friend and I in October

A little More Crowded yesterday 
I also had my semi-annual appointment with the dermatologist. I was able to dodge any additional excavation work although she did draw out her frozen nitrogen for a little facial burning. Apparently my wife got to her at some point in the past because I got a stern lecture about using moisturizing lotion on my lower legs, something the wife has been semi-carping on for a long time. The doctor said I was a very young 60 (cool!) but followed that up with a description of what the skin on my legs was going to look like in ten years if I didn’t start taking better care. They always win.
My Future Office
I spent the afternoon touring the inside of our future work location. The construction has progressed to the point where I could really see how operations will take place. The building is huge! You could fit our current building inside the bus garage alone. I even get my very own conference room next to my office. We’re scheduled to move in August. That’ll be fun.
The Storage Area


The Rooftop
Dateless Date Night involved seeing The Finest Hours which was really good, when it stayed at sea. The Coast Guard does a fantastic job day in and out and rarely gets recognized in film this well. While they don’t blow anything up I dare say their job is infinitely more dangerous that most others in the military. The plot tells the story of what is called the greatest rescue in US Coast Guard history and took place in nearby Chatham, Massachusetts in the early 1950s.
Chris Pine is very good as the skipper of the small boat tasked with the rescue, underplaying the hero and therefore seeming more real. Casey Affleck is equally good as the disliked leader trying to keep his half ship floating long enough to be rescued. This all happens in the midst of a huge winter storm off Cape Cod that split Affleck’s ship in half. That’s enough drama for a really good movie which this would have been if not for the nonsensical time spent ashore. The awkward love story of Pine’s character is shoe horned into the action scenes which did nothing other than confuse and bring the pace to a chest crushing halt. A very good movie remains, but it could have been so much better if it had stayed at sea and left the shore bound silliness out.

Turnover Technique
Finally I received reports from California that the First Blog Reader is making ardent attempts to turn over. As with any new parents the Cali-Daughter and Wingman were suitably impressed with her efforts; crawling should be just around the corner. Time to think about baby proofing the kitchen! It’s so fun to watch, albeit from a much too far distance, the three of them growing into a family.
I'm Good

Let Me Tell You About the Maneuver

Mom Keep Adding Obstacles

And What is This?

Let's Talk Mom

Alright - So This is Kinda Cool

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