Tuesday, February 2, 2016


My Movie Downloading Operation Last Night
If you’ve read the blog at all you know I’m a little bit of a movie fan. Alright I’m a downright fanatic. One area I’ve never expanded into was the digital copy of them that comes with virtually every blu ray that I buy (and I’ve bought a few – another vast understatement). When I received an IPad for Christmas I knew that deficiency would be extirpated at some point. I’ve always been jealous on long plane rides to see someone power up their IPad to watch a really good, uncut movie while I’ve been relegated to the “safe” movie the airlines have butchered to the point it wouldn’t offend anyone. At the risk of going on a viral rant I think the younger generation has gone more than a bit overboard in the politically correct arena. Get over yourselves.
In this morning’s newspaper even old friend John Cleese, of Monty Python fame, decried the ridiculousness to which PC has invaded our culture. He’s now advised not to try performing at any college campus because inevitably someone would be offended by some joke. He boldly stated that this could be the end of comedy and people should be able to use intelligence to see the humor instead of automatically defaulting to being offended. I like John Cleese.

Anyway, back to my initiation into the digital movie age. My daughter, cognizant of my computer prowess or lack thereof, sent me detailed instructions how to download the digital copies of the movies onto my IPad. I am now a proud owner of a Flixster membership. I attempted the downloads last night and I didn’t have to call her for clarification at all, despite several bumps along the road. By the end of the evening I had downloaded 33 movies and this has only wetted my appetite for more.

The only major stumbling block I ran into was Disney/Marvel movies, predictably some of my favorites. While every other studios film downloaded flawlessly Disney made me jump through some additional hoops and at the end it still wouldn’t download. I guess I’ll have to wait for either the son or daughter to explain the process a little better. Anyways, I’m stoked that on the plane ride down to Panama later this week, I’ll be the one with the cool movies.

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