Monday, May 18, 2015

Colossal News Finally Revealed

Yesterday I promised you huge news today and as you continue reading you will understand that I may have undersold it a little bit. This may rank up there with the rising of the pyramids. I’ve always said that I am writing this blog for my unborn grandchildren so they’ll know when they reach an appropriate age that I wasn’t always the old fuddy duddy sitting in the corner hopefully not drooling too much. It is with no uncertain amount of pleasure and pride that I formally announce the first future, official reader of the blog has appeared on the radar!
Recent Picture of the Miracle
When my daughter last visited in March she revealed that she was pregnant with her and the Wingman’s first child which therefore means MY FIRST GRANDCHILD!!!!!!!! Since Wingman was touring at the time they arranged a video conference so he could see and hear my reaction to the news. I don’t think he was disappointed as my jaw had to be picked up off the floor. I was immediately afflicted with misty eyes and felt a surge of love for him and my daughter. I’ve chronicled before that I was putting my money on my favorite son and the ABFA before her but as she has a lifelong habit of doing she surprised me totally. My wife was down in Panama for the news and the sound barrier took a severe beating when she heard the news.
The Future Mom Sporting her Baby Bump!!!!
My daughter knows I’m into sharing so she expressly forbid me from revealing any of this on the blog until she reached her second trimester. She passed that time point while I was cruising Bermuda. My son took no small amount of pleasure knowing how much it hurt to keep this information private. I’ve got so much going on in my life right now but this is the one bit of news that reminds me immediately that everything is worth it. Everything else fades to the mundane in comparison. I've commenced plans to insure the kids doesn't go too left coast but the Wingman turned out okay; as long as the child grows up as a Red Sox fan.
A Parenting They Will Go!
A few years ago I would have cringed at the thought of being a grandfather but I could not possibly be happier with the prospect (must come from hanging out with my wife). The only negative aspect is the scheduling – she’s due to deliver in mid-November. While I cherish the prospect of sharing my birthday with my first grandkid this will probably put a severe cramp in my scheduled 60th birthday pub crawl and again, I could not be happier!

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