Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rainy Day Roads

My Wife with Son and Daughter Over the Weekend
Yesterday’s weather was a perfect metaphor for my morale situation as it marked the end of my birthday weekend.  I had surreptitiously and quite consciously maneuvered my day of birth into a four day long party and it all came to an all too abrupt end yesterday.  My wife and I found ourselves in our daughter’s Brooklyn apartment surrounded by disapproving cats and the prospect of driving through some heavy rain through that traffic nirvana – Connecticut.
Daughter in Her Apartment

Watching Sunday Night Football While Being Viciously Assaulted by the Attack Cat

Wing Man and Wife Walking to Breakfast
Our daughter abandoned us early in the morning because she was the one person in our group who was gainfully employed yesterday.  Wing Man squired us to their favorite neighborhood haunt, 983 – Bushwick's Living Room, for some truly excellent food.  The extremely comely proprietor took very good care of us and the excellent meals were provided on the house.  A tribute, I’m sure, to Wing Man and daughter’s patronage over the years which will end with their California adventure.
Great Chow!!
The drive back was uneventful if extremely soggy.  The uneventful part was welcome although three hours of the required focus with the extremely slick roads was less so.  I was trying to play with Buddy later in the evening and my stomach seized up with some serious muscle cramps which I attributed to that tense three hours.  Apparently I work my abdominals when driving in the rain – good to know.
Wife and Daughter Over the Weekend
As always after a weekend filled with progeny the house seemed cavernously empty.  I spent some time reliving Friday night’s debacle with the insurance company and they promised an adjuster on the scene early this morning.  The sooner I can get this thing repaired the sooner I stop kicking myself in the ass every time I see it.

PanaGal Birthday Celebration
I wrote yesterday about my sister’s birthday but Sunday also marked the birthday of one of the liveliest of the PanaGals – my wife’s younger sister.  She received her usual pineapple upside down cake along with the standard ribbing from her brother – who is relentless in that regard.  She’s very circumspect about revealing her actual age – but if you look closely enough in the photo with her brother holding a napkin the astounding truth is exposed.  Feliz Cumpleanos Nonnie!
PanaGal; with Sibling Torturer

The Truth Revealed!

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