Saturday, November 1, 2014

Diverting Diversion

Since yesterday was Halloween my weekly First Friday celebrations were completely thwarted. Apparently some people make plans for this night – who knew?  My wife sensing that I missed my weekly ritual a little more than I was putting on suggested she and I go out for a bar date after Zorba’s and the minimalist  trick or treating our country house is subjected to.   I was touched that she would be so accommodating but I can never forget she is female and the ulterior motive is setting groundwork for a dancing date night in the very near future.

I’ve come to enjoy our Friday nights out together and guard them semi-jealously since it’s the really the only time we get to sit down and really talk without distraction (well except for the Zorba gals).  It was for that reason I was a little put off when she called in the middle of the day to ask if we wanted to go for dinner and drinks at the Worcester home of a Panamanian Mafia member.  My first inclination was to say no but since I never have a bad time with this bunch I changed my mind.  Events later that night bore out the soundness of this decision process.  She also promised we could hit Zorba’s for a couple drinks on our way home, so win win.
Buddy's Demonic Jealousy Last Night
Buddy was on high alert when I got home sensing something was different.  I settled on the couch while my wife completed a chocolate pie (she’s a master of that important art form).  Buddy’s taken a very jealous approach with me lately.  Whenever my wife sits in my lap he tries to wheedle his way between us.  Yesterday he took it to a new level by parking himself firmly in my lap so my wife couldn’t (see picture). 
My Wife's Art Form
As we made our way through the ghoul laden streets of Worcester I got more telling reminder of what Halloween should be.  Our house is too remote to have the scores of costumed kids the city boasts.  We arrived at the Mafia stronghold just in time to see our hosts beautiful two grandkids – one a devil and the other an angel.  They are huge fans of my wife (who isn’t) and immediately ran to tackle her.  There were a total of three mafia couples including us for the dinner and follow on beverages.
Angel and Devil With Friend
Actual Trick or Treaters
For the first couple of hours while we sat around the table there was a steady stream of kids demanding their Halloween due at the door which again made the whole day seem better in the “this is the way it’s supposed to be” manner.  The Mafia’s resident jokester brought what he thought was a scary mask and tried to scare some of the kids.  These kids were Worcester tough though and even the youngest ones laughed him off (which is what I think he was aiming for anyways).
The "Scary" Mask
I’ve stated before and last night bore truth to the statement that there’s nothing more rewarding than sitting around a table with close friends and laughing.  We did a lot of that as Halloween swirled around us with kids and grandkids coming and going.  At a certain point in the night I told my wife we didn’t have to go to the promised bar on our way home because I was having entirely too much fun - there’s just something special about Friday beer.

Great Friends
One of the highlights of the night became a contest of dueling smart phones where each person tried to find the funniest or dramatic video.  As you can see from some of the samples below our discourse could not be described as lofty but it was a hell of a lot of fun. The winner was the boxing video showing a guy preening before a fight only to get his butt handed to him with a bell sounding each time he took a punch. The medicinal effect of spending time with good friends cannot be understated.

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