Friday, December 16, 2011

Canal Cruise

Okay, just got back to the office from the root canal procedure and everybody is asking me how I feel.  I am resisting going for the sympathy vote by telling the truth because I feel fine.  This is, of course, largely due to the fact that the novocain has not worn off yet.  I know this because I am slurring my words and only about half of the soda I am trying to drink is staying in my mouth before I swallow (hopefully none of my employees see the bib I’m wearing).  It wasn’t that bad an experience, if you discount the sound and vibration of the extended drilling, that is.  I really liked the people in this dental office and they had a great set up with a TV positioned right over the head of the patient.  I was watching an elephant being taken down by a bunch of lions while they (the hygienist not the lions) kept asking me questions about how much pain I was feeling.  The dentist was an Arab and I was feeling a little nervous that he might know I was a veteran and go all “jihad” on my teeth.  He turned out to be a great guy and one of the best dentists I’ve ever been around (I say that before the novacaine has worn off).  I hate it when you get a really attractive hygienist and they lean all over you during a procedure, especially an extended one like this one was.  It pushes professionalism to the limit, mine not hers.  As I was suspended with my feet in the air they rigged a plastic sheet around the offending tooth and really went to town.  It was kind of fascinating to watch the immense amount of work going on a few inches from your own nose while you are more or less a bystander.  There was an almost hypnotic dance between the doctor and hygienist as he was constantly changing implements and she always had the next one ready, even if only seconds had passed.  For them I, outside of the drill site, had ceased to exist.  I kind of liked that – focus on the problem – I’ll let you know if I have any concerns.  Let’s get this done as fast as possible.  The best news is there will be no restrictions on food or beverage consumption over the holidays!  Clear the decks (or deck the halls, whatever) for action – I am coming in hot!

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