Monday, April 23, 2018

Where do I Begin?

Between my Two Sisters on Saturday

Yes, blog writing while living at the beck and call of a two year old are mutually exclusive options. I chose, rightfully and without a scintilla of regret, to follow the two year old around instead of making my usual nonsensical ramblings here on Frail Deeds. If that was the only reason I had to crow about a fabulous weekend then I would certainly be content but it only scratches the surface.
FBR and I at First Friday

Grandpa - A Truck!
We started the weekend out with a lively celebration of the First Friday of the Week which the FBR attended. She was just returned from a day at the mall with her abuela, dangerous territory indeed. She’s already demonstrated some shopping acumen which scares the bejesus out of me (apparently the shopping gene skips a generation).
Shopping with Abuela

Instead of charging around Brew City with either my wife or I in trail she was content to sit in my lap for the duration and expound of life. We also monitored Shrewsbury Street traffic and loudly announced the passing of any truck because the bar patrons needed to know that was happening just outside. We returned home and the FBR, deeply imbued with family traditions wanted nothing to do with spaghetti and demanded pizza because, well Friday, don’t ya know. She donned her winged princess dress to await the pizza delivery.
Mall had a Well received Play Area

I thought I’d seen the last of the dress after the pizza but one of her favorite books called upon the characters to don costume ball dresses and dance. She stopped the reading at that point and ran to get the costume back on and start dancing, usually with her abuela (who could not have been happier with this and the shopping). Saturday promised to be awesome because the FBR had not one but two great aunts descending upon her.
The Outfit

I Look Good! 
And can Still Trike

Watching for Pizza
Both of my sisters and brothers in law came up for an altogether too enjoyable afternoon with the FBR flitting about successfully charming everyone. I don’t see my younger sister anywhere near enough so this was a real treat for me as well. It’s taken me the better part of my life to realize the best part of life’s adventure is the time spent with family. I spent so much of my adulthood charging around the globe with the Army that I cherish these times with the people who’ve known me the longest.
Two Sisters, Brother in Law and my Favorite Panamanian

Dinner Table
A couple months ago my younger sister started helping her husband with his sports memorabilia business and he reported revenues were up 51% since she started helping out. She’s had to kiss a few frogs along the way but I’m glad my little sis finally found her prince as he obviously appreciates her (and more than for the 51%). The only thing missing from the day were the absences of my Favorite Son, the ABFA and of course the BRS. We videoed them in after they returned from a family commitment of their own on the ABFA side of the equation.
Soxfather Time

Finally with Great Aunt
The day flew by much too quickly to accommodate the familial reunion sufficiently but I know my mother was looking down and smiling. We talked how much she would have doted on this newest crop of all female great-grandchildren. We made plans to continue the get togethers as we hope to become more of a part of each other’s lives. Soxfather and Great Aunt also provided the FBR with several Red Sox logo laden gifts since she will be forced to grow up in the heart of the Evil Empire.
Taking it Outside

Dancing with Abuela

The FBR continued her fascination with the Soxfather and even deigned to sit in Great Aunt’s lap for the first time in a long time. She could not help but beam (Great Aunt that is). The FBR spent the entire weekend supplying boundless energy. Anytime I sat or lay down she was immediately on station demanding I make space for her. As soon as she had that toe hold she proceeded to push until I was forced back on my feet and the games could continue.
Playing Catch with Soxfather
Great Aunt and Soxfather’s weekend with my grandchildren was not confined to our house though. On Sunday they traveled up to New Hampshire to meet the BRS for the first time. I could tell she was suitably impressed by their arrival. If she only knew the lengths they will go over the coming years to spoil her. We could not join them because we had to regretfully return the FBR to her New Jersey home.
Great Aunt Meets the BRS

Both Seem Happy with the Meet

Soxfather Sets out on his Next Conquest

Riggins Will not be Ignored
It was time for her to return. We were listening on the baby monitor Sunday morning to her usual morning soliloquy and heard the following, “I miss mom and dad. They’re my family. I love my family.” One of those moments you just have to go, “Awwww”. We drove down in the afternoon and the FBR handled the 3+ hour drive pretty well, until the last fifteen minutes. In the middle of negotiating the Garden State Parkway I found myself being pelted by goldfish crackers. She thought this was high comedy and quickly figured out here was nothing we could do about it in the current situation. It’s amazing all the different places we found goldfish after the drive. As soon as we turned on to her street she excitedly
Trying on Dresses with Abuela

A Work in Progress

Grandpa - You Didn't Really Want to Rest, Did You?
proclaimed that she was home and helped us out by pointing out where her house was.
We then made the mistake of taking a two year old fresh off three hours of being cooped up in a car seat to her favorite diner for dinner. We’re working on her “restaurant voice” as she loudly proclaimed whatever came into her head when she wasn’t throwing salt and pepper about. Despite all of this I can honestly state I enjoyed the time there with her because she has the capacity to lift your spirits at the same time  as exasperating on another level. In other words, she’s two years old.
Tea Time with Abuela

The FBR Figured Out How to Take Pictures During A FaceTime with her parents
She's Going to have to teach me How She Did it
My daughter and Wingman returned late in the evening and we reluctantly ceded supervision of the sleeping FBR. This past week has been truly heaven sent. We both admitted though that we were exhausted. Raising the young is rightfully consigned to the younger generation although it was a lot of fun to dip our feet into the pool on a temporary basis, again, grandparenting is life’s reward for all the challenges of parenting.
Already Miss This Little Imp More than I can Say

So Much Fun
We still had the drive home facing us. I decided to make a late night run home since I had to be at work today, figuring traffic around midnight would be significantly less. We set out from New Jersey at 11pm and pulled into Worcester a little after 2am. I was right about the traffic and it was almost surreal to drive through Connecticut without complaint, except from my wife about my eating habits. We reminisced that the drive reminded us of so many late night drives across the country during our Army days, usually with two children sleeping in the back seat. Again, we were decisively younger at the time and this morning dawned awfully early.

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