Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Office Fort Building

FBR in the Driving Seat

I had the undeniable pleasure of hosting the FBR at my office yesterday in an impromptu bring your granddaughter to work day. She and my wife were out running around Worcester and decided to drop in so I could take them out to lunch. What is known colloquially as a “win, win” scenario. The FBR loves buses for some reason. I think it is due to the toddler song, “wheels on the bus” which she knows all the hand motions for. So our first stop upon their arrival was the bus storage garage, a vast space, mostly empty with the majority of buses out in service during the day.
Back of the Bus

In Charge - What Does this Button Do Granddad?

Eyes on the Road
The FBR spotted a distant bus and took off on a dead run, stopping only to splash in the various puddles remaining from buses going through the wash. She ran to the rear of the first bus and was dazzled when I offered her the chance to sit in the driver’s seat. She immediately requested to be buckled in, safety first! My wife and I then hovered to make sure she didn’t push any important buttons, like the ignition and release of the parking brake.
Off to the Mini-Bus

Grandpa Falling Behind
As we were leaving the bus she spied one of the mini-buses across the garage and the chase was on. Despite my severe advantage in leg length I had difficulty keeping up with her without breaking into a run myself. Thank God for the puddle stops or it would have been even more embarrassing. As soon as she considered herself qualified in the driver’s seat of the mini-bus – which included repeated blowing of the horn (remind me to apologize to her parents for teaching her where the horn is) we moved upstairs to the office.
No, My Grandpa is not Available
After thoroughly charming all of my management staff she set up shop in my office. She thought the office was cool, mainly because it had several pictures of her displayed, but it also had some interesting nooks and crannies which had to be explored. People who came into my office later in the day asked why the chairs were stacked up so strangely and I proudly admitted I’d been building forts with my granddaughter, although she refers to them as castles. I took both of the ladies out for lunch which was more fun than expected. I say this not just because I got to spend most of the time at the restaurant playing non-stop Care Bear games on the table monitor. The FBR behaved beautifully and demolished some mac and cheese and then started poaching my lunch.
Just prior to Fort Building 

Keene Friend in Thrall
Keene Friend was staying overnight and got the full FBR treatment once she adjusted to his presence. That meant he was playing catch with various and sundry stuffed toys as well as testing his Slinky repair capabilities. We were finally able to connect with my Favorite Son and the ABFA last night and the FBR got to say hi to the BRS in the process. The BRS bestowed one of her angelic smiles on us which did not impress the FBR. I can’t wait to see these two together in a couple years.
BRS Happy to Connect with her Cousin

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