Sunday, June 24, 2018

Southern Invaders

Awesome Group Assembled Yesterday

It’s been a long standing family joke about the lack of geographic mobility resident in Soxfather’s family. This is a tried and true Rhode Island tradition where despite having the smallest state with the closest borders any territory beyond those borders is considered grounds for overnight travel. Therefore it was a semi-momentous moment when the entire Soxfather clan challenged tradition and journeyed north in the wilds of Massachusetts to join us for an afternoon/evening of just plain fun. Both Keene Friend and Cantankerous Friend also joined us for some northern leavening of the Rhode Island brew. This party was born in our last McShawn’s evening when my wife cornered Soxfather’s sister and browbeat her into agreeing to make this momentous journey, all of 45 miles. It was still up in the air late in the week as Soxfather’s sister was making noises about possible excuses but she eventually succumbed to destiny and made the trip. We planned on taking advantage of Deckzilla’s vast expanse but the weather was uniformly uncooperative which kept us inside except for the beer runs to the cooler.
Debut of my Latest Hawaiian Shirt
Not for the Faint of Heart
As usual once we were all gather the talk and laughter was almost non-stop. An indication of Soxfather’s sister grasp of reality is that she is the sole person in the world who does not believe the Cantankerous Friend is cantankerous at all; need I say more? I was under strict orders from my Favorite Panamanian to follow her grilling recipe for the steaks and chicken. I may have followed them but everything came out fantastic and the best part of the entire evening was the dinner where we all gathered around the dining room table.
The BRS Was on her Own Road Trip with her Parents
And Laughing I'm Sure
We videoed the FBR in but she was more interested in filling her deck pool than entertaining us. The evening culminated as we tried to convince Soxfather’s sister to redeem another of her social shortcomings. She had never done shots before. Great Aunt brought an extremely sweet green liqueur for that expressed purpose. Even my Favorite Panamanian joined in the effort but sadly Soxfather’s sister still has not done any shots as she only sipped. Nothing could diminish the fun of the get together though. We may even do it again in August, hopefully with Deckzilla

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