Thursday, June 21, 2018

Circle Route

Face to Face with the BRS
I had a bi-polar trip around New England yesterday careening from sadness to joy to just flat fatigue. I drove up to Manchester in the morning to attend the Cantankerous Friend’s dad’s graveside funeral service which is where the sadness was generated. I wrote before about his passing marking the end of the iconic group of parents from my years growing up on Valley Street. Our two families were incredibly close for a number of those years and so many great memories were generated that I still remember very fondly. I drove up to Keene late on Tuesday for calling hours and had the opportunity to talk with Cantankerous Friend’s sister for the first time in over forty years. She was the best friend of my younger sister who passed away in 1977. She still has the flashing eyes and quick humor I remembered so well from earlier times.
I was impressed with Cantankerous Friend’s poise and presence for his family. He had spent nearly all of this free time since retiring from the military taking care of both of his parents and grew incredibly close with his dad over the past couple years after his mother’s passing. While he knew his dad’s days were numbered based on his declining health nothing can soften the finality of when it does happen. Regardless of the obvious pain he was feeling he stepped up and held it together for the rest of his family. He’ll try to minimize his efforts but he was a hero. Since his watch with his dad is over we’re looking forward to having him join us for more social occasions, starting this Saturday with a rare northern trip by Soxfather’s extended family.
Being "Assessed" by the BRS
Doesn't Like Giving up on a Bottle
I wasn’t able to join Cantankerous’ family after the service because I had to continue my travels east. I was only forty minutes from my Favorite Panamanian’s location and seized on the opportunity to re-acquire my AWOL cell phone and wife. The added joy would be additional time with the BRS. Unfortunately she was dutifully napping when I arrived but this allowed a hurried but richly enjoyed lunch with my Favorite Panamanian. I think the BRS sensed an opportunity for additional adoration because she awoke in enough time to hang out with me for a few minutes. She passing through a similar phase that I remember from the FBR in that she looks into your eyes in a very assessing manner. It went well with the FBR but I hope I’m not found lacking in some way by her young cousin. The jury is certainly not out in that sense with her abuela who she clearly adores. My wife reported the BRS had her first laughing spell when the ABFA returned home from work on Tuesday night.
Sleeps just Like her Cousin Did at Same Age
I was back on the road and completed my circular route back to my office by early afternoon. I stopped by the lumber store along the way to buy the needed hardwood flooring for the next home improvement project which should start next week. I arrived in my office to learn some disturbing news on the political leadership front which will add some challenges and uncertainty over the next few months; just what I needed. The FBR was her usual charming self on our call last night. Wingman has taught her how to give a “thumbs up” sign and she seems fully recovered from her scary digit injury over the weekend. She seems more adult each time we talk and I find myself grasping for the departed days when talking with her grandparents was the highlight of her day.
Back to the movies last night where I took in Superfly. Despite the passing of time it is not any easier to make a movie with a drug dealer as a hero than it was when they made the original. I liked the movie though which was a well done crime thriller. They made a mistake by not casting Omar from the Wire (Michael K. Williams) as the lead. Instead he plays a mentor to the young Priest who has none of Williams’ screen presence. The actor playing Priest also fails to exude the kind of menace or ability that would allow him the lofty leadership role he is supposed to hold in Atlanta’s drug underworld. The movie is saved by the supporting cast who is uniformly outstanding but again, very tough to root for a drug dealer. Finally I’m the last person to consult on African-American hairstyles but what were they thinking with the lead actor’s pomade? Silly to the point of distracting.

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