Friday, October 7, 2011

Favorite Thought

At the risk of getting esoteric, I was swimming last night and my thoughts wandered (trying to ignore the somewhat desperate messages my arms were trying to send to my brain).  I latched onto a memory of something that really struck me as a child and continues to have that ability – something I refer to as “my favorite thought” (I told you – I was young!).  That thought is – how amazing it is to actually exist, how fortunate we all are to be alive. I can clearly remember when that thought first hit me; I was in junior high and was not all that contemplative.  It shook me to my core to consider just how lucky I was to be.  For some reason, I existed, the choices, thoughts, and desires were mine alone – I was unique.   This may be why I am less sympathetic than I should be to people with suicidal thoughts.  No matter what issues you are confronted with you are still blessed with life.  I am inadequately trying to explain exactly what this thought embodies and  how much impact it has had on me. When confronted with some of life’s inevitable challenges or disasters, I always hark back to this thought and experience the gratitude all over again.  Last night as I was painfully striving to remain afloat this thought came back to me.  How wonderful life is and how precious that gift is.  A gift that should be cherished and nurtured not wasted or minimized.  Enough obscurity – it’s Friday – that means pizza and beer tonight!

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