Monday, November 12, 2018

Epic Return

People Responsible for this Past Weekend
Okay, this is going to take some time and I will absolutely fail to properly capture the joy I’ve experienced since my return from Panama late on Friday. The return itself wasn’t without a couple challenges. Our flight was delayed a little over two hours which we found out after a dead sprint through the airport when the electronic board suddenly showed a gate change along with a message about being in last call status. Once we joined other Bostonians screeching to a halt in front of the gate we were informed we hadn’t missed our flight because it had been delayed. I suspect the gaffe with the electronic board was intentional to make disgruntled/delayed passengers happy they hadn’t missed their flight.

Generational Beauty

Keene Friend was waiting for us upon arrival where we breezed through customs and immigration for once and headed home through an impressive storm. Keene Friend accused us bringing the Panamanian rainy season back with us. We arrived home around 10pm to find my Favorite Son, the ABFA and BRS in residence. They were also travelling to New Jersey for the FBR’s third birthday party and since this was the BRS’ first long trip they wanted to break it up by staying over Friday night with us.
The Fairy Princess FBR

Party Starting to Crank Up

My wife immediately started cooking in preparation for the next day’s party even after I reminded her that we were getting up at 4am to make the trip. She’s nothing if not focused in these type situations and we finally hit the sack around midnight. Even though we were sitting on our butts most of the day either in the air or waiting for the flight we were both exhausted, something about air travel just does that to you.
Mom and Daughter

Fairly Happy Grandparents

Abuela and the BRS
4am rolled around a lot sooner than I wanted it to but the motivation of travelling to see the New Jersey bunch was all that I needed. My plan was to throw on clothes and jump in the car immediately. My wife had another plan which involved a lot more prep time. As with all cases when competing plan collide, well, you know who won. We were able to get on the road by 5ish and were in my daughter’s house by 830am. I was aided in this by missing my usual turn to what used to be the Tappan Zee Bridge.

This meant a trip through the exotic Bronx River Expressway and the Bronx itself as well as the venerable George Washington Bridge which given the early morning meant a quicker trip. I loved the reaction of the FBR when we walked in the door. She literally jumped up in excitement, briefly abandoning Wingman’s mom who’d been there for the week. The FBR started showing me around her new toys and I noticed how much more clearly she was talking, yet another sign she continues to grow.
Bonecrusher Deployed

And Wielded

To Great Effect
Wingman’s mom and I were dispatched to attend the FBR’s weekly gymnastics class which was so much fun. I got walk around with her as she went through the simple routines the coach had the class perform. I noted how much more adventuresome the FBR was compared to some of her classmates and not just because I could be the proudest grandfather around.
Birthday Cake Sneak

My daughter had organized a mid-morning birthday party that considered all the attendee’s scheduled nap times. The FBR awoke to find a large poster of her current fascination. She’s moved on from Moana and now can’t get enough of Toy Story. She’s especially fond of Buzz Lightyear and would run around the room at full speed yelling, “To Infinity and Beyond!” We returned from gymnastics just in time for the party to crank up. The FBR decided on wearing her fairy princess outfit since she had figured out this was party where she was the guest of honor and this girl does like to make an entrance. We were shortly inundated with upwards to two dozen kids and escorting adults. It was nice to see the closeknit group of friends both generations have formed in the two years they’ve lived in the neighborhood. The three grandparents retreated to the kitchen from the maelstrom of furious activity a group of toddlers can generate.
BRS Arrival

Abuela Heaven
My son and his family finally showed around noon time since it is apparently a little more difficult to travel with a 9-month old. The FBR immediately gravitated towards her cousin and the BRS seemed equally fascinated with her. This was probably my favorite aspect of the weekend, seeing the BRS and FBR interact and imagining what the future holds for these two. It’s always been a credo of mine that there is something special about cousins and while I probably won’t be around to see it fully bloom but I hope they are close friends who can count on each other throughout their lives.
One of the best moments of the party was when the time came to cut the birthday cake. In our family birthday cakes are not merely cut they are cleaved. I loved the expression on the FBR’s face when she saw Bonecrusher coming her way and understanding she was going to wield the family broadsword. We’re going to have to work on her technique since she immediately grabbed the blade instead of the handle but she still managed a mighty stroke to sunder her cake.

The best part of the weekend was after the party as only immediate family remained and we settled in for the remainder of the day just catching up and laughing almost non-stop. We watched as the FBR finally attacked her mountain of birthday gifts. My wife and I hit a home run with the Peppa Pig house and she also received Woody and Buzz action figures from her parents. Buzz and Woody got quite the workout over the rest of the weekend.
Both my Kids and Their Kids
It was an all too rare occasion to have both of my kids and their whole families with the added benefit of Wingman’s mom together for an extended time. There is a quality to family time that cannot be quantified but is intrinsic to a full, happy life. At least for someone as blessed as I am for the people who filled that New Jersey living room on Saturday evening. We demolished a couple pizzas and a substantial supply of beer ahead of dinner. In tribute to just how dizzy I was with the delight of being with these people I even had a second helping of the cauliflower based dinner my daughter served. Will someone please pick Great Aunt up off the floor as I’m sure my sister will be in need of assistance after reading that last sentence.

As happy as I was I don’t think I could hold a candle to the reflected joy of my wife at the opportunity to have both of her granddaughters within reach. She was in full “abuela” mode and would not be denied. I don’t think the ABFA or my son bemoaned having her demand to be the one to change diapers either. I let her handle this side of the grandparent experience. Sunday morning dawned and we were back at it as the FBR demanded to play with as many of her new toys as possible as the BRS continued her pursuit of the many balloons still liberally in place around the room. In a touching moment the FBR insisted on reading a book to the BRS which totally captivated the younger cousin for the duration.
ABFA indoctrinated into Peppa Pig House Protocol

Sunday Morning Cousin Time

We were then off to the neighborhood diner for brunch in celebration of the FBR’s birthday which was actually yesterday. Both of the young cousins behaved perfectly which was a very nice surprise. We returned to the house to watch the Patriots’’ game which was the only downer of the entire weekend. It’s hard to be sad about that though when I waded through the living room of toys and granddaughters.
At the Diner

The FBR continues her precocious ways with jigsaw puzzles confidently knocking out a 100 piece puzzle for the first time. It was supposed to be for five year olds but it took her about twenty minutes to conquer it with a serious amount of aplomb. All too soon the sun was setting and the northerners had to mount up for the return home. My daughter texted us that the FBR cried after we left because she missed us. She wasn’t the only one misty eyed.
FBR Reading to the BRS

Portrait-worthy Wingman and the BRS
My son was trailing after us as we made our way home. We got caught up in the 45 minute trip to travel the ten miles from the end of the Garden State Parkway to the Tappan Zee Bridge. Since they had the BRS along they planned on stopping for dinner in Connecticut. I’m always more than a little focused on trips like this with an almost maniacal avoidance of any delay in reaching the end point. My wife was a little surprised therefor when I agreed to wait for them to catch up so we could have that dinner together. Yet more evidence of the granddaughter effect on changing attitudes.
Wingman and I Watching the Maestro at Work

We stopped in Trumbull, Connecticut at a nice neighborhood tavern where the BRS immediately set out to charm everyone in the place during our wait for the table and subsequent meal. We reached home a little after nine as my son’s family was staying over to break up the trip again before heading home this morning. This made for a very entertaining breakfast this morning as the BRS was accessing some of the toys we’d bought for the FBR a couple years ago. The pictures do this weekend more justice than my poor ability with words. Despite being fairly rung out from all our travels I cannot remember a better weekend.

These Two! Epic Indeed!

BRS - Blog Reader the Sequel - second granddaughter; FBR - First Blog Reader - first granddaughter, ABFA – Amazing Best Family Athlete = my daughter in law, formerly known both as MEF – Most Excellent Fiancé & MEG – Most Excellent Girlfriend; Wingman – my son in law; Keene Friends 1 & 2 – friends since high school from my home town of Keene, NH; Soxfather - my brother in law; Great Aunt = my elder sister; Cantankerous Friend – friend since grade school who likes to argue about everything, poses as radical leftist to attract women; Pittsburgh College Roommate – high school friend, also a “Minor Celebrity” in Pittsburgh; Deckzilla – our backyard deck which grew to monstrous dimensions once my wife got involed in planning; Maine and Virginia Musqueteras – two close friends of my wife – her US sisters, my wife is the 3rdmusquetera (musketeer); Buddy – AKA the Wonder Pooch – family dog, a black lab – hates squirrels, died in 2017; Riggins - also known as the Grandpuppy, son's dog, surrogate grandchild while awaiting arrival of the BRS; PanaGals – female relatives/friends of my wife from Panama; Panamanian/Latin Mafia – inevitable group of Latino friends my wife accumulates wherever we have lived & their spouses; Neighborhood Mafioso - wife's close friend and Panamanian mafia member, Favorite Panamanian - the wife (of course); First Friday – celebrations to mark the First Friday of the Week; Excellent Boss – my former direct boss at work; Voices of Inappropriate Worth - members of public who come to every Worcester public meeting to complain, all are on public assistance along with demeanor issues

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