Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bizarro Political World

Daddy, Daughter, Animal Cracker

This year will mark the half way point in what I am rapidly come to understand as the Trump experiment. Americans were so fed up with the politics as usual environment that’s evolved in Washington that we ended up stepping on a very sharp and rusty nail by electing a complete maverick and political novice to the most important position in the Western World. Make no mistake, he is our president, despite the pained and hollow claims by the left to the contrary. He’s given up on trying to unite the country and seems to be pandering to the far right in what I believe is a massive miscalculation.
Divider in Chief
He doesn’t miss a chance to insert himself in any divisive issue, seemingly just so he can be center stage for any subsequent discussion. Yesterday’s NFL decision on the National Anthem protests is a perfect example. The NFL owners realizing their brand took a hit from the overhyped protests came up with some new rules governing that. Instead of letting this play out the Divider in Chief immediately inserted himself into the controversy which will only harden both sides of the dispute. We truly exist in a bizarre political environment right now – two years to go.
Point of Light Swinging
Luckily I have some very bright points of light in my life to overlook the churning morass of idiocy that D.C. has sunk into. I refuse to take part in the posting of the divisive memes some of my very liberal and very conservative friends post regularly on Facebook, realizing many of these memes were created in an nondescript building on a Moscow side street for the express purpose of dividing us. Better people have tried and felt the searing regret for awakening the slumbering behemoth a united America represents.  
We finally talked with one of those points of light last night but the FBR wasn’t all that interested in conversation. She was having a Daddy-Daughter evening since my daughter stayed in the city after work for a Curbside Gal dinner. The FBR was snuggling with Wingman but I could tell she missed her mom time. On the upside Daddy rewarded another successful day at Day Care (nap included) with time at the neighborhood playground. The FBR literally launched herself out of the doldrums when one of her friends from the neighborhood showed up at the front door during our call. We were forgotten in an instant as the FBR immediately transitioned into hostess role. It was fun to watch.

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