Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Back in the Suck

I was fortunate to have yesterday off from work because it gave me the opportunity to adjust to my new meteorological reality. Worcester in the midst of a cold snap is not a place seemingly on the same planet as the tropical Las Lajas where I spent the last couple weeks. I know there are regular readers of Frail Deeds, amongst them Great Aunt, who I’m sure are grinning wickedly after reading this. That is all well and good because no one can take those last couple weeks away for me. I was surprised by the lack of snow which melted last week when temperatures skyrocketed. Mother Nature helped out by sending some flurries as well as the cold yesterday as I worked outside. The day received a significant shot in the arm when I spoke with my son later and he invited me up to watch the game this weekend.
We Have Several Deer Down!
I returned to a home which was caught in some sport of weird time warp from Christmas. With our hectic post-holiday schedule and the presence of the FBR my wife and I had scant time to clean up before heading south. My wife’s excellent strategic planning has borne fruit and all of that cleaning falls on my head. Our herd of Christmas deer were severely treated by the weather and I found them in a tangled heap in front of the house. After moving them (and a significant amount of garden mulch frozen to them) inside I bent the connections back into a semblance of what they’re supposed to look like and moved them into basement storage. I returned upstairs to find more than a few piles of the aforementioned mulch now spread over my wife’s favorite carpet. This was the first time since I returned that I was glad she hadn’t accompanied me.
After an extended session behind the vacuum restored a balance to the environment I snuck away to the movies since there are no less than eight movies currently playing that I wanted to see. Since it looked like the first to go away I started with Downsizing. A Matt Damon vehicle that was sold, at least in the previews, as a comedy about an everyman getting shrunk down to five inches in size. There was actually very little humor in this long movie which was more a beat the audience around the  head and shoulders with an environmental message. There was very fertile ground for some fun but the story always went dark, with the central character, despite Damon’s obvious charisma, being very hard to root for. I was prepared to love this movie and in reality didn’t even like it very much. It perked up whenever Christoph Waltz or Hong Chau were on the screen but Damon comes across as a pudgy buffoon most of the time and we’re supposed to care about him.

The Bad Cinema project count rises to #89 out of 100, with Galaxina featuring the tragic Dorothy Stratten.

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