Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Conditioned Response

This Young Lady Still Loving the Swing Set
Hopefully we’ve finally driven a stake in the heart of this period of extreme “hectic-ness” for lack of a better term. The final throw was yesterday’s installation of central air-conditioning for the house. The installation crew showed up even before I left for work and finished their shortly after I got home. I’m really impressed with the system which involves two wall units and an exterior package.
The Exterior Unit
It’s supposedly light years ahead of conventional central air systems and it is so much quieter, both inside and out. I went this way because the house has baseboard heating which would have meant some serious duct work for a conventional system. This system is also significantly cheaper and I even get a rebate from the state government for being having this type energy conscious system installed. I won’t tell the state it was my best option available. The “cool” thing is the unit is actually a heat pump so I can use them to spot heat the house as well, during the time during season changes where you don’t want to heat the entire house. This will come in handy for someone with a wife who operates comfortably only in a narrow band of temperature, despite growing up in tropical climes.
1st Floor Wall Unit

Master Bedroom
Speaking of my Favorite Panamanian, she had so much fun overseeing yesterday’ project that she bailed on me for date night. I persevered since I hadn’t been to the movies in a couple weeks (Egad!). I went to see Ghostbusters which I was a little leery of, given my 1980s pedigree when the first movie captured a much younger version of myself. I tried to not be misogynistic when I heard they were going with an all-female cast but it was hard to imagine a female Peter Venkman. I shouldn’t have worried because this new take is hilarious, helped by state of the art special effects, but more so by an insidiously funny script and really talented actresses.

Wiig and McCarthy continue their strong run in female centric comedies but this really wasn’t that at all. It was just a very funny movie using an almost cine-sacred concept and taking it in a new direction. There were some very cleverly inserted homages to the original movie, including some welcome cameos and a Spengler statue. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is possible to love both the 1984 version and this new one, because I did, despite the annoying group of too young children who took up residence directly behind me.

Riggins Made a New Friend

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