Sunday, August 18, 2024

Girls Night, Chaos Arrives, Blown Knee, and Twinkle Towning

To say a lot has happened over the past few days would be an understanding of galactic proportions. It started on Thursday when my Favorite Panamanian scheduled a girl’s night out with some of the Worcester Chapter of the Panamanian Mafia. One member is leaving shortly for the home country so a gathering was called for. They went out to dinner and a short time later I had cause to come up from the Man Cave to investigate what sounded like a serious party underway upstairs. In a demonstration that would have made the Joker proud, the three Panamanian ladies were engaged in serial laughing. It’s what I’ve always said about getting together with friends – something very special.

Cousin Time!
The real excitement, however, started on Friday with the arrival of the first two granddaughters. The BRS and BR3 arrived with my son and the ABFA. They, along with the FBR, will be spending time with us over the next couple weeks for their annual Grampa & Abuela Summer camp. Of course, their first question was when was the FBR showing up. Cousins certainly seem to trump Grandparents at their age. We settled onto Deckzilla for a quick pizza dinner before the parents left for their weekend away to celebrate their recent tenth anniversary. Both granddaughters were excited to stay and climbed the front yard tree after waving goodbye to their parents.

Mafia Gathering

Friday Pizza Night on Deckzilla

FBR's Tearful Counselor
Thursday was the FBR’s last day in her summer day camp and when it came time to leave, the FBR’s counselor, who had grown attached to her, was in tears. That’s what the FBR can do to you. She and my daughter left New Jersey at 6:30 am without any of the usual histrionics about an early wakeup. That’s what the anticipation of spending time with cousins (and maybe grandparents) can do. As soon as they arrived in Worcester the BRS and BR3, who had been doting on my wife and I, dismissed us as unworthy of their primary attention as the three cousins careened around the house at full speed.

BRS in the Front Yard Tree

And BR3
Enroute to MA.

FBR Arrives!

Cousin Lunch

Popsicles on top of my Daughter
The big event planned for the day was attending a party in Leicester celebrating the birthday of one of my Favorite Panamanian’s best friends.  The scene of many parties which boasts a pool had the granddaughters extremely excited, due to their water bug proclivities. Upon arrival the granddaughters made a bee line for the pool with their grandfather in hot pursuit. I had promised their parents that I would always be present whenever they were near the pool. They insured I spent almost the entire afternoon there. There was a very fun group gathered, including our Czech friends, and they insisted the granddaughters join in their games. I watched from the sidelines as my time in Panama has ruined me for most New England pools. The water temperature was in the mid-seventies which is well below my tolerance level now. I admit it. I am officially a tropically, thin blooded wimp.

Pool Time

BRS Going off the Board

The granddaughters, in the small amount of time they weren’t cavorting in the pool made dedicated raids on the cooler holding juice boxes. My Favorite Panamanian was wondering why she was making repeated escorts to the bathroom until I revealed the raids. Unfortunately, during one of return trips from the bathroom, my Favorite Panamanian, as she is wont to do, was engaged in a lively conversation with another party goer and missed a stair. She put all of her weight on her bad knee which collapsed with a lot of pain. I was by the pool when I heard myself being summoned as she crossed the lawn towards us. I thought it was a social request and waved her off as I had a couple granddaughters in the pool. As she got closer, I realized the people she was walking with were supporting her. The knee does not look good. She has an MRI scheduled for this week and an appointment with the orthopedist next week. I think she has some surgery on the horizon.

With the Czech Shadow

Birthday Girl

"The Team"
Pinata Time

BR With her Gatherings

Breakfast in Bed for Ailing Abuela with the Best Medicine Beside Her
The birthday girl’s husband and I carried her out to the lawn in a chair for the pinata destruction. When it came time to move her back under cover for the birthday cake, I tried to use the injured Soldier carry I learned in the Army but my wife complained it was too undignified riding across my shoulders. I was sneakily proud I got her up there to begin with. My Czech shadow showed up from another birthday party and quickly formed a team with the granddaughters who semi-worship her. When it came time to leave, our host had me drive our car all the way around the house onto their back lawn to pick up my Favorite Panamanian, so she didn’t have to walk.

BRS Hitting Pinata
Whoopie Pie Break This Morning

Then a Dance Party Broke Out

Since she as hors de combat this morning, the breakfast show was in my hands. Luckily corn muffins and cinnamon rolls are easy enough for even me. My next stop was a CVS whom I learned sells crutches. The wife is going to need those for the foreseeable future. most of the remainder of the granddaughter summer camp will fall upon me. There are worse fates in life as they remain an absolute delight to spend time with, especially when they’re together. My daughter had stayed over night with us and was an immense help managing the young ladies while I tried to take care of the wife.

On The Road to Twinkle Town!


Then Ice Cream

Son and ABFA Show Up

Visit with Keene Friend
Today’s camp event was a journey up to my hometown to join Keene Friend for a round of mini-golf at venerable Twinkle Town. The rain that was supposed to let up in the afternoon, did not. It was if I was back in Ireland with the steady drizzle. This was a bit of a boon though as we had the entire course to ourselves. This was a boon because, predictably, the ladies were not acquainted with golf etiquette. BR3’s approach was akin to a hockey player chasing her ball across the green. Both Keene Friend and I attempted to show her how to properly address the ball with the usual chaotic response she is so justifiably famous for. This all turned when she improbably hit a hole in one. After that she was genuinely interested in doing it right, so much fun to watch. Both of the older cousins were much more adept, both achieving holes in one of their own. Their grandfather had no such luck, or dare I say, ability. Since the BRS has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, her parents linked up with us during the post-golf ice cream. They took the two younger cousins home while the FBR and I made our way home via Keene Friend’s house, which all the granddaughters seem to love.

Two movies fell in the A-Z watch, both keepers: Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, The Cradle of Life, better than the first one and Lawless, Tom Hardy as a force of nature in prohibition Appalachia.


RECURRING CHARACTERS:                                

ABFA – Amazing Best Family Athlete - my daughter in law; BR3 – Blog Reader #3 – granddaughter #3; BRS - Blog Reader the Sequel - second granddaughter; Cantankerous Friend – friend since grade school who likes to argue about everything, poses as radical leftist to attract women; CRC - Connecticut Riverboat Captain – another close friend from high school, renowned sailor of the big river; Curbside Girls – close friends of my daughter acquired during him her single days in Brooklyn; Deckzilla – our backyard deck which grew to monstrous dimensions once my wife got involved in planning; Favorite Panamanian - the wife (of course); FBR - First Blog Reader - first granddaughter; First Friday – celebrations to mark the First Friday of the Week; Great Aunt - my elder sister; Keene Friends 1 & 2 – friends since high school from my home town of Keene, NH; Kindergarten Friend – friend since kindergarten whom I reunited with after many years; Maine and Virginia Musqueteras – two close friends of my wife – her US sisters, my wife is the 3rd Musquetera (musketeer); Namesake Nephew – son of Great Aunt and Soxfather named after me; Neighborhood Mafioso - wife's close friend and Panamanian mafia member; PanaGals – female relatives /friends of my wife from Panama; Panamanian/Latin Mafia – inevitable group of Latino friends my wife accumulates wherever we have lived & their spouses; PCR - Pittsburgh College Roommate – high school friend, also a “Minor Celebrity” in Pittsburgh; PCR+1 - Pittsburgh College Roommate’s wife; Riggins - also known as the Grandpuppy, son's dog; Seis Amigos - two couples from our condo complex and my wife and I; Soxfather – my brother in law; Tia Loca – wife’s younger sister; Wingman – my son in law; Wingmom – Wingman’s mom, of course

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