Thursday, April 14, 2016


A very late post today as I spent most of the morning on another tour of the new facility being built on the other side of Worcester for our company. The morning was already off to a rollicking start with the weekly meeting with politicos. I’ve often wished I was busier since this job is kind of easy but moving the whole thing across town and deciding to buy a new house as well has certainly ramped up the activity level. I had a funny moment in that meeting when someone asked me about the relative distance between two locations and I referred to it as “within mortar distance”. I said it without thinking and my most excellent boss almost fell out of his chair. One of the politicos wrote the expression down and said he couldn’t wait to use it himself.
Musqueteras in NYC
Last night saw the return of the musquetera squad from their pillaging expedition to New York City. They spent the day sightseeing, well, at least until they ran across the sun source of shopping, the original Macy’s. My wife, as hardened a shopper as currently walks the earth, was a little bit in awe of the opportunities presented there. Luckily, for certain credit card bills, they had to carry all of their purchases on the train so the ardor for discovered bargains was muted. They visited the 9-11 memorial and were truly moved before shopping.
9-11 Memorial

Footprint of one of the Towers

New World Trade Center
While they were away I had a fantastic FaceTime call with my granddaughter who seems bound and determined to check the block when it comes to crawling. She faces the doctor and another round of inoculations today which she’s handled with aplomb so far. She’ll be coming east to visit in a month or so. The kind of news that makes getting up in the morning worthwhile. My daughter recommended a new comedy series which one of her friends is actually starring in. I checked out the first two shows of The Detour, and heartily recommend it to anybody who likes totally irreverent comedy. It's on TBS and well worth the watch.
I also spoke with my Favorite Son who is incredibly psyched to take possession of his long held dream, a golden retriever puppy, on Monday. He’s also getting our old washer and dryer from the Charlton house since the new house comes with both and they’re connected to the gas line. I’ve received some late breaking news that the Cantankerous Friend may actually be available this weekend for birthday libations up in Keene. It’s at this point the stack of gift cards my wife received for Christmas and birthday come into play. The longer she shops, the longer the stay at Elm City Brewery and Scores for Keene Friend, I, and hopefully the Cantankerous One. 

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