Friday, April 15, 2016

Doctoral Valor

She Certainly Was
The very unsurprising reports are filtering in that my peerless granddaughter handled her most recent visit to the pediatrician and attendant inoculations with her usual calm courage. My daughter reported when the needle went into her leg she looked surprised for a moment and then locked eyes with her mother to voice some displeasure which quickly ran its course. She also held court back at their residence for some of my daughter’s and Wingman’s friends – some of whom obviously didn’t meet her lofty standards.
Conversing with the Doctor

Mom, Why Do I get the Feeling Something's About to Happen

Who is this Guy?

And This One?

Okay, I Guess They're Alright
I spent yesterday morning tramping around the vast confines of our future facility which is nearing completion. I left with a profound respect for the work my Favorite Son does each day as a project manager for another construction firm. His counterpart yesterday was walking us around and there were seemingly a million different small tasks underway all of which he was responsible for arranging and coordinating. I was impressed. Here are some photos of the new place:

We passed a huge milestone on the home acquisition front yesterday as we signed the purchase and sales agreement. We seem to be on a smooth glide to the closing date in late May, everything is just falling into place. I’ve surprised myself with how excited I am about the whole prospect of home ownership again. I didn’t realize how much I missed it and I guess I felt like I’d taken a step back by renting again. In a larger sense I think I’m excited because this represents a decision on our future that we’d been dodging ever since we sold the Charlton house. We’d been pulled in a bunch of different directions as to where we’d end up – Keene, Portsmouth, here, even California but this feels so right, for us (and did I mention the built in sound system in the man cave!). Dare I hope that I’ve acquired the ability to put down roots! So a reason to celebrate today, not that I needed one on the First Friday of the Week.

I finally secured a date for movie night as my wife and I took in The Boss last night. This Michelle McCarthy vehicle will have to go down as a near miss, especially compared to her work in last year’s Spy. She is still the funniest person currently in movies and I love the devilish look she can summon on command. She plays a self-made millionaire who loses everything due to some insider trading that she probably shouldn’t have bragged about to Tyrion Lannister. Kristen Bell is adequate as McCarthy’s foil but she’s clearly fighting above her weight (no pun intended) when she’s on screen with McCarthy. I kept expecting the movie to take off but it never does. There are some very funny moments but McCarthy’s a victim of her own success and I’ve come to expect more from her. This is not a movie for kids, very high on the raunchiness scale.

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