Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Monday Rescue

The first day of the work week arrived just in time to rescue me from further debaucherously assaulting my health. This will be a short post since I used up a full week’s worth of words yesterday trying to ineptly describe how much fun our Portland weekend was. If you hung with me through that whole post I genuflect in your general direction.
I'm SO Ready for a Milkshake
My Favorite Panamanian was felled early in the day with either a stomach flu or food poisoning but rallied by the end of the day. We ate so many different things in so many different places over the weekend that it was semi-impossible to pinpoint a culprit although garlic popcorn still sounds unnatural to me. She was back in top form by the evening and is trying to iron every piece of work clothes that I own. God forbid I come to work without creases. She’s trying to get me in good shape for her departure, yet again, on Thursday.

So Dad - What the Hell is THAT!?
The weekend excesses led to a full couch potato night of Jane the Virgin, the Red Sox, and a bad Robert Deniro movie (The Heist). The Sox are rounding into an interesting team although I find myself cringing every time it comes for John Farrell to make a decision. I think this is the only time a cancer scare actually saved someone’s job. My daughter was entirely remiss in posting photos this morning so I had to make do with the dozens she sent yesterday. They just don’t get old.

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