Monday, May 27, 2024

There Went the Neighborhood

Yep. Another one of those weekends where friends and family conspire to subject me to altogether too much fun. The icing on the cake was the all too short visit by our Upstairs Neighbors from Las Lajas. They are making their way home to Arizona from Panama stopping by Connecticut for a family wedding. While we were all still in Panama, a calendar consultation revealed the opportunity to get together during their time in New England. So, 2/3 of the Seis Amigos were reunited yesterday. There was a lot less sand involved then the last time we were together.

2/3s of the Seis Amigos Reunited
The weekend got off to a thwarted start when our First Friday of the Week dancing plans went unfulfilled. We were getting ready to get in the car to travel to the legion post when we heard from the Neighborhood Mafioso from our destination. Apparently the band playing came with a large following because there were no seats or even space at the bar. Since dinner was part of the equation, that would not do. They went in search of an appropriate dining place and then vectored us in. It was a fantastic spring evening so we dined outside in nearby West Boylston and had the usual fantastic time with our best Worcester friends.

Friday Night with the Neighborhood Mafiosos
Saturday saw the arrival of my Favorite Son and his family to help welcome the Upstairs Neighbors on Sunday. They decided, due to the granddaughters’ early morning proclivities, that staying over Saturday night made more sense than Sunday. In other words, the BRS and BR3 awake very early and they are not quiet about it. This theory was validated on Sunday morning. Before that though, we had a fun Saturday afternoon with the New Hampshire bunch. The BRS and BR3 volunteered to help their abuela in her vast garden complex while the rest of us enjoyed yet another fabulous New England spring day on Deckzilla. This included our first, of hopefully many, dinners of the year on Deckzilla.

BRS and BR3 are in the House

Saturday Deckzilla Dinner

Granddaughters Assisting their Abuela in the Garden
My son and I took in the Celtics playoff game in the Man Cave Saturday night. This marked the first complete NBA game I’ve watched in years. I still groaned about the way the game is now officiated (allowing carries and traveling on virtually every possession) but I enjoyed watching the exciting game with my son. The Celtics epic comeback helped as well. Sunday morning saw the early morning wakeup although our son herded his daughters downstairs providing us a respite. He eventually allowed them upstairs to wake up their grandparents with chants demanding hojaldras. My Favorite Panamanian convinced her granddaughters that going to church with us would be a lot of fun (I seriously do not understand how she does that). They went with us and were perfectly behaved. They even took part in the children’s liturgy which meant they went downstairs without us. My wife beamed proudly.

Ready for Church

Heading Downstairs at Church

Posing After Church with us and our Son

Such a Beautiful Family
Around noon the additional guests we invited to celebrate the Upstairs Neighbors began to appear. My younger sister couldn’t make it due to a fever but Great Aunt arrived, along with Keene Friend, and the ABFA’s parents. We therefore had the entire team in place when the Upstairs Neighbors showed up. They had gone through a clearly benighted itinerary since leaving Panama. A delayed connecting flight meant they flew into New York instead of the planned Boston and only four hours of sleep before their Saturday wedding. As usual, they were still game to party with us on Sunday. They immediately melded into our group which evolved into a very fun afternoon.

BR3 Calls on Both Grandpas to Help with Tower Construction

Sunday Dinner on Deckzilla

BRS Performing 
I was subjected to inhaling the fragrance of sugar cookies placed directly in front of me and everyone had a lot of fun with that, knowing this was an acid test for my diet discipline. I passed, barely. I was successful in pawning off several to the grandkids of our next-door neighbors who were having their own celebration. We were entertained with an acapella singing performance by both granddaughters. The BRS was very fetching singing a couple songs, including a Taylor Swift one, that she had performed earlier in the week with her kindergarten class. BR3 followed her with a rendition of Take me Out to the Ballgame, complete with “root, root, root for the Red Sox” included that had everyone thinking of Soxfather. The afternoon wound down after passing by way too quickly as it is wont to do when that much fun is achieved.

Son and BR3

BRS Taking in Cheers

ABFA's Awesome Parents
We had a very nice chat with the Upstairs Neighbors after all the guests had left. They recounted their travel adventures as well as the interesting wedding they attended. They also caught us up on the doings at Las Lajas. The condo elevator is working again (of course) and some hopefully new neighbors are making progress on buying the condo right next to us. It was nice to hear about what was going on with our second home but their reports on the weather since our departure validated our decision to leave. They’d only had one visible sunset in the month and half since we left. It has rained a lot with a lot of thunder which meant the power had gone out repeatedly. Yep, good to be back in the land of reliable electricity.

The "Fun" Table

Great Aunt

BR3 and ABFA
Today’s weigh-in, at 22 pounds lost towards 25-pound goal. The slow progress can be laid at the feet of those sugar cookies sitting directly in front of me all afternoon yesterday. I didn’t eat any but inhaling them was sublime, almost erotic. Three pounds to go.

In my A-Z watch, five fell since I last posted, all keepers: Ivanhoe, one of favorite movies of my youth, young Liz Taylor was impossibly beautiful; The Jackal, excellent assassin thriller with Willis in rare villain role; Jackie Brown, underrated Tarantino movie, just love it; Jaws (misplaced alphabetically due to granddaughter intrusion), forgot what a great (and scary) movie this was; Jack Reacher, Cruise is way too small to play Reacher but he carries the movie with a Reacher attitude.


RECURRING CHARACTERS:                                

ABFA – Amazing Best Family Athlete - my daughter in law; BR3 – Blog Reader #3 – granddaughter #3; BRS - Blog Reader the Sequel - second granddaughter; Cantankerous Friend – friend since grade school who likes to argue about everything, poses as radical leftist to attract women; CRC - Connecticut Riverboat Captain – another close friend from high school, renowned sailor of the big river; Curbside Girls – close friends of my daughter acquired during him her single days in Brooklyn; Deckzilla – our backyard deck which grew to monstrous dimensions once my wife got involved in planning; Favorite Panamanian - the wife (of course); FBR - First Blog Reader - first granddaughter; First Friday – celebrations to mark the First Friday of the Week; Great Aunt - my elder sister; Keene Friends 1 & 2 – friends since high school from my home town of Keene, NH; Kindergarten Friend – friend since kindergarten whom I reunited with after many years; Maine and Virginia Musqueteras – two close friends of my wife – her US sisters, my wife is the 3rd Musquetera (musketeer); Namesake Nephew – son of Great Aunt and Soxfather named after me; Neighborhood Mafioso - wife's close friend and Panamanian mafia member; PanaGals – female relatives /friends of my wife from Panama; Panamanian/Latin Mafia – inevitable group of Latino friends my wife accumulates wherever we have lived & their spouses; PCR - Pittsburgh College Roommate – high school friend, also a “Minor Celebrity” in Pittsburgh; PCR+1 - Pittsburgh College Roommate’s wife; Riggins - also known as the Grandpuppy, son's dog; Seis Amigos - two couples from our condo complex and my wife and I; Soxfather – my brother in law; Tia Loca – wife’s younger sister; Wingman – my son in law; Wingmom – Wingman’s mom, of course

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