Thursday, September 14, 2017

Six Years In

I just completed my sixth year writing on this blog which surprised me for some reason. I started writing (inspired by the demise of my daughter’s much better blog) with this proviso: “I plan on just passing on observations and comments and hope to say something worthwhile.  You will be the judge but I reserve the right to overturn all convictions.” I know some people reading Frail Deeds must roll their eyes with my incessant devotion to the FBR who wasn’t even on the horizon when I started this or my inane ravings about movies but overall friends and family have been very supportive of my efforts here. For the first time in my life they’re staying current about what I’m up to because outside the written word I’m not the best of communicators.
The FBR Laser Focused on Daniel Tiger
It’s certainly evolved over the years as I learned (usually through filial support) how to add photos, videos and various other gadgets as they dragged me inexorably into 21st century technology. I should say that life has certainly evolved. The Favorite Son’s MEG had just arrived on the scene and evolved into the MEF and through the gyrations of the second edition the Best Weekend ever - the ABFA. Wingman and my daughter dominated New York City only to depart for California for a couple years which of course produced the FBR and now they’re back in New Jersey. My Favorite Panamanian and I have lived in three different houses, acquired a tropical condo, while abandoning a plan for a tropical mountain house. Birthday pub crawls were born, or I should say refined and Buddy, a recent arrival when I started, tragically departed the realm. I’ve held three different jobs over the same time and oversaw the construction of a new facility and the move of my company into it. In other words, as with most, a very busy few years which seem to continue to build up speed as they pass by. As I looked back though I was reminded of the constants in my life that make it so rich – my friends and family: my wife’s fantastic family in Panama, Great Aunt + Soxfather, Keene Friends, the Cantankerous One, the Pittsburgh Roommate, Soxfather’s superb family, the Panamanian Mafia, the Roothuggers, high school classmates, the ABFA’s parents, and Army buddies. I could have kept going on as my life has been singularly blessed with some truly excellent people.
One of my early themes was how I was vainly trying to find my “home” after a long military career trying to put a lie to the old Army saying “You Can Never Go Home”. I’ve accomplished that despite the continuation of the mobile lifestyle described above. “Home” turned out to be those folks I just listed above, not a physical location, and being around them for the past decade has made all the difference. I’m home.
I don’t usually look at statistics but I did when I started writing today. I’m now over 2000 posts and there’s been over 285 thousand page views and I average a little over a hundred a day. I know most of that are family and friends but I’ve also been viewed by nearly every country around the world. After the USA Panama predictably comes in second but after that Russia, Germany, the Ukraine, and France (!!!?) are amongst the top viewers. I also have a dedicated daily viewer in Thailand whom I’d like to think is the best man from my wedding who lives there now. The most viewed posts hare my views on TV shows from the 1960s (, My Nostalgic Home Tours of the places we lived during my Army career (, the condo ( and those surrounding the deaths of my father in law (, Soxfather’s mom ( and strangely Buddy (he did that to you if you knew him The biggest surprise has been how much I enjoy doing this and while I’m not sure how long I’ll continue, it’s still not a  chore and something I look forward to each day. So thanks for the support – you’ve only yourself to blame for me to continue writing in Frail Deeds.

The Bad Cinema project count rises to #6 out of 100 with The Atomic Brain (also released as Monstrosity), monstrosity was a better title because that’s what it was – unintentional comedy through the roof.
Timeout to Attack the Cat

Hosting Ball Room Guests

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