Tuesday, September 19, 2017


One of the things I’ve come to understand as I rapidly increase the count of years to my credit is the importance of the simple things in life. As a young man I was bound and determined to get out and see the world. This impatience with the familiar world I’d grown up with may turn out to be one of the fundamental regrets of my life. Regret is not an apt term for what I’m trying to express because I’ve been blessed in my life with the people I’ve been fortunate enough to encounter in that escape process.
It’s a young man’s doom to yearn and strive for the greener pastures of the unknown without properly respecting the verdant quality he’s already surrounded by. My youthful journeys took me to the ends of the earth but I find myself back pretty much where I started because I came to realize the value of what I’d hastily abandoned. It’s not all about the place, it’s the people. The simple connection of lifelong friends and more importantly family are what’s truly important and fulfilling in life. I think of my closest friends as family and that has made all the difference. I would rather spend an evening sitting with a group of family laughing than accomplishing something momentous at work.

I know someone reading this might think I’ve gone into some sort of Zen like fugue but these elder years have provided some perspective. You take some time to look back and assess what’s important in life. What makes you genuinely happy? Walking down a sidewalk and having my granddaughter reach up to hold my hand is a genuine thrill. It’s a different but no less profound elation from when that well remembered college sweetheart first reached for my hand or my wife of more than 35 years laces her fingers with mine walking into the grocery store. That essential connection between people who care for one another cannot be underestimated or undervalued.

Enough dime store philosophy - The Bad Cinema project count rises to #10 out of 100 with Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women. A same Russian Sci-Fi flick from the 1960s refitted with bleach blonde, clam shell wearing beach babes – somehow even worse than its predecessor and that’s a tough pull.

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