Saturday, July 13, 2013

Forces Gathering

Wife and "Sister" at Breakfast
I semi-took the day off from work yesterday to prepare for today’s momentous celebration of the engagement of my son and the MEF.  I set up the computer on the kitchen table and periodically checked my work desk top as I went about the myriad tasks my wife had decreed were required.  She was thoroughly enjoying having her “sister” here from Virginia.  That friend has been an immense amount of help in the preparation, if for nothing else, keeping my wife from panicking and seeing a little common sense, not an easy task.
Sangria Prep
One of my first jobs was a return visit to the butcher shop and to buy over $200 worth of dead animal flesh.  I was psyched!  When I walked in the butcher was creating some t-bone steaks with a huge band saw and I marveled at the precision and finesse which he did it.  I always like watching a true pro at work and this guy approached artiste level.  I was shortly burdened with two huge bags of meat and an appreciation of a true craftsman.
The Artist in his Studio with Today's Main Course
The rest of the day was spent on yard work and dodging spousal panic attacks.  Actually she was in a pretty good place and the work got done.  Later in the afternoon, my son and the MEF arrived which definitely started the party mood; they being the stars of the weekend.  They headed out for an ice cream raid since they were surrounded by keto adherents and they graciously did not want to torture us while they ate.
MEF and Son Arrive
I wound my way through Connecticut’s typically interesting traffic solo to get to New Haven and retrieve my daughter who was abandoning New York City for this weekend’s festivities.  A great drive back with just the two of us in the car discussing Cloud Atlas and about six thousand other things. 
Daughter Emerging From Train Station
We planned on meeting the rest of the gang at Zorba’s but my daughter requested a stop off at the grocery store which was a good thing since my body had finished processing the diet coke from the trip.  I was just below a dead run for the restroom when I heard my name called from behind.  I kept going since nature was not to be denied at this point.  I emerged to find that the voice belonged to my wife who was experiencing similar requirements.

After we finished laughing at the coincidental meeting we got back on the road to join the son and MEF at Zorba’s where we had another one of those magical Zorba’s get togethers.  One side of the table could eat the pizza so I was tortured throughout the dinner watching them eat one of my favorite things, while I was keto forbidden.  I assuaged the pain with a huge cut of prime rib.
Zorba's Magic at Work
Back home for more party prep and the MEF formally asked my daughter to be one of her attendants in the wedding.  It was a very cool moment as the MEF had ordered special bottles of wine inscribed with each of the bridesmaids’ names.  I think my daughter really loves the idea of finally getting a sister and it was fun to see them bonding.  A very good day, but today promises to be even better.

New Sisters Celebrating Selection

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