Friday, October 5, 2012

Baseball Genius or Source of Evil?

The Face of Evil???
Prior to yesterday’s post about the Red Sox’ dismal 2012 season I had a conversation with my sister concerning her sister in law.  Yesterday after I posted in the blog my cantankerous friend messaged me with virtually the same comment.  Is my sister’s sister in law a true baseball genius, as she would have us believe, or is her knowledge of a more sinister nature?

Prior to the baseball season, at a gathering of the clan, the “genius” loudly (something of a personal attribute) proclaimed that the Red Sox would not win 70 games this year.  She was greeted with derision by all present, even the Yankee fans.  Her brother, a respected sports media personality, was nearly apoplectic with rage at the temerity of his sister’s statement. 

As we all know the Red Sox got to 69 wins a couple weeks ago and did not win another game.  Several games were winnable, even with a laughably untalented roster, only to have defeat snatched from the jaws of victory in bizarre fashion.  This caused many of us to wonder if something more ominous was at work than just Bobby’s Valentine’s incompetence.  Did the genius make some sort of pact with the forces of darkness to appear more “genius-like”? 

I found this hard to believe because despite her myriad social peccadilloes, the genius, is generally a very nice person.  Maybe that is the problem, when a nice person wishes for something this mean-spirited, the corruptor takes notice.  Not only could evil indulge the sin of false pride of the genius but at the same time torture an entire region of die hard fans (and a few pink hats). 

So we are left with the question – Is this the face of evil?  Is she to blame for the calamity that was the Red Sox 2012 season?  If nothing else this is an object lesson of being careful what you put out there because as a famous philosopher once stated, “Karma can be a stone cold bitch!”

Note:  Tongue firmly planted in cheek)

We did a second date night this week because we missed out on our movie quota last week.  We went to see End of Watch, which was very entertaining but tragically flawed due to the overuse of the hand held, point of view camera.  I know that was the idea – to follow the duties of these two young LAPD officers but they went away from it when it was convenient and didn’t when they should have.  Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena are very, very good and believable in their roles as the cops.  Pena will win an Oscar some day, he seems to get better with each role he takes on. 

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