Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Knee High and Spidey

With her Spirit Animal
I was on pins and needles yesterday waiting on news from Rhode Island as Great Aunt underwent surgery for a new knee. I know these procedures are routine but that doesn’t provide any type of relief when someone you care about is put under anesthesia. The new knee was long overdue. It seems our family has genetically weak knees since I’m overdue for one as well courtesy of a knee injury dating back to the early 1990s (damned ROTC cadet failing to follow rules in combat soccer). Soxfather kept the family in the loop all day as she made her way through the operation and subsequent (heavily medicated) recovery.
New Knee
Due to the heavily medicated part I waited until today to speak with her and she reported this morning a little bit of pain and then a bunch of medical terms that I’m sure another nurse would have understood. We were interrupted by her physical therapist who I had earlier warned Great Aunt she would come to hate, at least if her experience mirrors mine following my two knee operations. She sounded good and if all goes according to plan will be going home tomorrow.  Soxfather just reported that was walking down the hall with the aid of a walker – tough lady there.
Yesterday's Progress with the Author of my Pain
Since I came home to an empty house yet again I was out in the backyard again. I mapped out the area I’m going to clear and started removing the sporadic grass tufts that had survived Buddy’s attentions. My Favorite Panamanian eventually returned home from yet another shopping excursion (forgive me if I don’t gasp in shock). Someone had left a hefty mark on the car while it was parked. We got a bunch of extra paint on our car but no real damage.
Car's New Paint Job
The New Jersey report for the day involved a water park. Wingman sent a bunch of videos which showed just how much the First Blog Reader enjoyed cavorting there. She must have been pretty tired because she was singularly dismissive when we FaceTimed with her or maybe I’m just losing my native charm. We received an invite to the first gathering of the Home Owners Association for our Panamanian condo (some nighttime photos below) so we have another rip to Panama pending. The times work out perfectly that we’ll be able to travel home with my mother in law.

I’d heard a lot of good things about the latest Spiderman and they were not exaggerated. I wondered why they felt the need to introduce the character yet again but it was definitely worth the effort. He’s thrust in to the Marvel universe with a big help from Iron Man and some Captain America PSAs. The best thing is the young actor who convincingly plays a teenager. They don’t worry about origin stuff and humorously depict how a teenager would deal with superpowers. There’s a neat little twist thrown in and Michael Keaton tears up scenery as a multi-layered villain. They didn’t need it but Marvel has yet another hit for their impressive record. I loved this movie.

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