Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ground Pounding

The Cliimber
I knew as soon as we brought the new car home that my Camry was going to take the brunt of my trips to Home Depot for the foreseeable future. Despite the much larger space and hauling capability of the new Highlander my Favorite Panamanian was very clear that she expects it stay in its current pristine state for an appropriate space of time (measured in years). Maintaining that state is not compatible with my penchant to load said vehicle with my usual variety of stone based product.
Load of Gravel and Stone After Unloading
My Camry paid the price last evening as I overloaded it once again with patio stone and too many bags of gravel in preparation for the backyard patio build. My wife returned from shopping and discovering the new watch she bought for me, which seemed to not work, was actually solar powered and needed to be charged prior to use. I had just finished unloading the Camry after strategically positioning Buddy so he could interfere with each of my trips to the back yard – it’s how I roll (literally). I spent a couple hours repositioning sod out of the patio area and into some of the bare spots some of my previous construction efforts resulted in.

The Clearing So Far
The Pile of Stones is the Future Fire Pit
I was pretty gassed by the time I broke for a late dinner but was buoyed by FaceTime calls from both of the progeny. My Favorite Son and the ABFA reported all is well on the northern front. Meanwhile on the Southern Front my granddaughter demonstrated a new ability in which she turned Wingman into a jungle gym and climbed all over him. Ever aware of her audience she kept at it for a good five minutes - as long as we kept clapping for her daring dismounts from atop Wingman’s head. Wingman had a real “Daddy” day as my daughter later sent a video in which he’s reading to my granddaughter. Apparently she’d fragrantly filled her diaper just before demanding the book read. The video was hilarious as Wingman grimaced in the face of the aroma wafting up from his first born. The photos below capture the sequence. This is the kind of stories that need to be saved for her teenaged years.

In Less Aromatic times

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