Thursday, January 26, 2017

Moving Right

She's Ready to Move
This whole eastern redeployment of the California contingent has moved on a very fast track. For newbies at the whole house buying experience they’re pushing forward at almost unheard of speed. When we talked last night they were surrounded by moving boxes which the First Blog Reader was putting to immediate use, a la her best friend, the household cat.

For some reason this move always seemed just over the horizon. As any infantry officer will tell you, that horizon can be awfully deceptive at times. The entire bunch will be flying into Boston in a couple weeks and hanging out with me for a week before the house closing. Their household goods and car will be using that week to traverse the lower forty eight. There is no other way to describe this other than – intense happy dancing. They must be extremely confident in their decision to make the move from La La land since they’re doing it during the depth of winter in February; especially given my daughter’s half-Panamanian blood. Apparently there’s some New Hampshire granite in there as well.

Speaking of granite my wife outdid herself yesterday in that department. She returned to one of the many places she and Mafioso had trolled through last week and negotiated a really good deal. She got the granite she wanted, Santa Cecilia light (whatever that means), for a full $800 less than one of the other places was quoting for the exact same work and piece of granite. As has been thoroughly chronicled here on Frail Deeds, when it comes to shopping, there are few equals to my Favorite Panamanian.

The hilltop roads thawed enough for us to see a movie last night. We went to see XXX – The Return of Xander Cage. Noted thespian Vin Diesel returns to one of his signature action roles and empties the bank of Chinese actions stars as well. They all get together to take on an evil plot to use satellites as bombs. Diesel literally smirks his way through the entire movie which is understandable given the nonsensical plot and I’m sure how much he was getting paid for this. It plays like one of the old kung fu movies where the impossible is routine. The fights were almost too fast to keep up with – a tribute to skill of the “actors” performing the stunts. There was virtually no blood shed despite a body count in the low hundreds. This movie is what you’d think it is, low brow action not meant to challenge any viewer, so a pretty honest movie.
R.I.P. to my First Lady Love
A noted passing yesterday of one of my first childhood crushes. I can now admit to being hopelessly in love with Laura Petrie back when I was first starting to notice the feminine side of the equation. Mary Tyler Moore just did something for me at a very early age, I can still clearly hear her saying, "Oh Rob!". From everything I've read she was a very genuine lady and will be missed. Facebook also took a shot at me today as i looked out on a cold, damp New England winter day by posting a photo from what I was doing three years ago on this date - not fair. That photo is followed by today's morale photos.
Three Years ago at Las Lajas!

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