Sunday, November 6, 2016

Spelunking Strange

Keene Freind in the Cave
Yesterday was fun and not just because Saturdays are bred to be that way. I knocked out some early morning chores, including moving the unsold living room set around the garage so I can get the second car in (frost on the windshield once this week and I refuse to scrape). I also assembled the snow blower which was kind of depressing. Luckily the Keene Friend rode to the rescue later in the afternoon. He’d agreed to some quality time exploring (spelunking) the Man Cave watching college football as well as a movie and some adult beverages. We checked in with Panama where he assured my Favorite Panamanian that I was in good hands and there was scant chance of ending up on a Worcester dance floor now that he was on the scene. He also helped me move a couch into the basement.
We took in Dr Strange, the latest Marvel offering. I was interested to see how this iconic comic book character born out of the hallucinogenic sixties would fare in today’s medium. As with all things Marvel, they delivered. I think they spend a little too much time leading up to the acquisition of his necromancer skills but once they do the film is almost hypnotic with cities being turned inside out and Mads Mikkelson doing what he does best – being a deranged villain, this time with burnt out eyes. I would watch Tilda Swinton paint a room because she’s mesmerizing and perfect as the Ancient One. Cumberbatch is okay but he’s such a heel for the first half that it’s tough to root for him as we build towards the climax. That’s where the sixties in all their psychedelic glory asserts itself with mind-bending trips around the globe and cosmic battles. My only problem with the plot was Dr Strange transforming from a complete novice to master sorcerer almost overnight. Small potatoes though as this was a great ride, liberally infused with sly humor and the inevitable Stan Lee cameo.

I’m beginning to think the local 99 restaurant has some sort of special deal with the Coors Brewing Company because their draft beer just seems to taste better than others. Of course it could very well be the company I was keeping as Keene Friend and I took in a post movie dinner liberally basted with the above mentioned brew. After that it was back to the Man Cave where Buddy could hardly control his excitement at having his Favored Dog Walker in attendance. It could have been the dog biscuits Keene Friend kept in his pocket but the feelings seemed genuine. We set up to watch a highly hyped college football game but it was more fun catching up on each other’s news and skewering the intent of the commercials. As I’ve repeatedly stated before, nothing can beat time spent with a good friend.

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