Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rain Out

My Sick Girl
My wife in her infinite wisdom learned of my cleaning efforts in preparation for her return today and magnanimously decreed that I should stop immediately. She said I shouldn’t be working on my birthday and she would clean (to her standards not mine) upon her return. I immediately ceased work even though I was 75% finished with the effort. Now I’m in a quandary. She called this morning while I was trying to put together a regional conference at our location to report that her flight home had been rained out.
Meanwhile, This Morning in Panama
She sent this picture as proof that the Panamanian rainy season was living up to its reputation and the flight from David to Panama City was canceled. This means she won’t be home until Friday, at the earliest. I was disappointed, not the least of which being I now have to keep the house clean for an additional two days and I lose the protection of my birthday dispensation. Plus, I was really, really ready for her to come home. After being married so long I’m not cut out for this solitary life style.
Great Aunt and I a "Couple" Years Ago
Speaking of birthday today’s Great Aunt’s who is 364 days my elder. She’s been an inspiration to me for my entire life, sometimes setting standards that were a pain in the ass for a younger sibling to match. She acquired the nickname, Miss Oh So Perfect, from her less gifted  family members, a name she wore with some pride. Despite being one of the very smartest people I know she is painfully gentle (just ask a very spoiled Wonder Pooch during his visits). To be a true success in life everyone needs someone to look up and aspire towards – Great Aunt has served that role for me for better than sixty years now. Happy birthday and sorry for ruining your first birthday party.

Yesterday Making Funny Faces
The news from the California sick ward is not so promising. There was a rumored recovery underway when my granddaughter returned to her projectile vomiting ways late yesterday. The last fully healthy person in the household, Wingman, was felled earlier today. They say animals pick up on the rhythms of life and know when someone is sick. The photo above is ample evidence of that as the housecat, who rarely tolerates extended contact is cuddling with my granddaughter. Trying to send healing thoughts and prayers their way.

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