Monday, February 22, 2016

Taxing Sunday

I returned from my abbreviated thunder run to Keene with the resolve to complete my 2014 income tax filing before the end of the day. That heinous activity competed with the usual Sunday tasks of buying groceries, cooking a week’s worth of lunches, laundry, and entertaining the wonder pooch in a style to which he’s become accustomed to. I was a little concerned heading into this tax season because I lost a half year of the mortgage interest payments which were critical to overcoming the amount of money I’m semi-earning every year.
The Assembled Paperwork
I spent Saturday morning gathering all the needed paperwork which made a fairly impressive stack in the guest bedroom where our house computer resides. I hadn’t turned the thing on in nearly six months (use my work laptop at home for most stuff) and had to negotiate through the six month back up of Windows updates – that took almost as long as the taxes did. I was right to be concerned about the loss of interest payments but luckily the purging of the house before we moved and attendant donations to charity saved the day.
My wife checked in periodically throughout the day to insure I stayed on task as she shared my concerns and the potential impact on her TJ Maxx addiction. We ended up only owing $80 which is a huge win. I reflected that I now pay more in taxes each year than I grossed during my first two years in the Army. I was in the same neighborhood with state taxes until I ran into the rental deduction. The People’s Republic of Taxxachusetts actually provides a tax deduction if you have to pay rent. At the end of the day with both federal and state completed we ended up $15 dollars ahead. I’ll take that and commence to worrying about next year. I filed electronically for the second year in a row – so easy compared to the earlier need to complete all those forms.
My Creation
After my afternoon with HR Block software I moved to the kitchen where, faithfully assisted by Buddy, I decided to leave my pot roast comfort zone and try something new (I know! Completely out of character). I bought a huge box of chicken thighs and rummaged through the extensive spice holdings of my favorite Panamanian to season them. My wife tuned in for the preparation and I’m a little concerned with some of the looks she gave me when I explained what I had done. I hastily added a couple ingredients she recommended. The chicken looks great but the proof will be during the tasting at today’s lunch. Pray for me.
Favortie Son (green shirt) Partying this Weekend
It looks like my Favorite Son and the ABFA had a little more fun over the weekend.

His Sister and Niece Were a Little More Understated
Some samples of my daily photo fix from California:

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