Saturday, February 27, 2016

Friday Passages

Last evening’s First Friday celebrations were especially poignant in that we were celebrating the selection of one of our group to the administrator position. We’re certain he’ll vanquish the heretofore standard role of politics before common sense in addressing what needs to be done. It will be nice to have information flowing both ways for the first time in years. We had a lively group at Brew City but Worcester is under siege from Garth Brooks fans this weekend. Brooks was performing at the nearby DCU center and his fans were seeking pre-concert watering holes in large numbers. We luckily arrived early enough to deny them our usual table. By the time we left there was a long waiting line outside Brew City, something I’d never seen. I hope our Friday sanctuary is not permanently damaged by some of the unwashed masses finding out what a great place it is.
My Wife, Her Family and Sangria Last Night in PC
Meanwhile in southern climes my Favorite Panamanian caught a flight down to Panama City a couple days ago. She volunteered to help out a recently widowed uncle who’d been unable to return to his apartment following the death of his wife due to the memories associated with her. My wife spent the past few days packing up her departed aunt’s clothing and belongings for donation so he can hopefully find some closure. She spent last night taking the uncle, a couple cousins, nieces, and nephew out for pizza. If my eyes don’t deceive me looking at the picture she sent sangria was also involved which may explain why I haven’t heard from her this morning. She, sangria, and Panama City have a dangerous history together.
I was in a reflective mood yesterday, always a dangerous proposition. I once again marveled at how fast time passes as you get older. I’ve written about this before. There must be something to the over the hill statements because the downslope is infinitely faster than the ascension was. I can hardly credit that I’ve been out of the Army for over ten years now and it was over twenty years ago that I was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel; simply hard to credit. It kind of sucks because these past few years living back in New England, reconnecting with old friends/family, and most of all witnessing my kids taking adulthood by storm has been nothing short of remarkable. I’d kind of like things to slow down to the pace of the first couple decades of life which seemed to last forever but are now recognizable as a short span of time. I always caution new parents to enjoy these first few years of parenthood because it does pass, at least for the parents, at light speed. Like I said, reflective.

Granddaughter is Excited as Well
I received some entirely encouraging news yesterday when my sister, apparently stung my elder remarks earlier in the week informed me we are getting together today. I expect a severe counseling session followed by some great catch-up time with her and my incomparable brother in law. They’re coming up to Worcester to hang out later today. This followed the news that my Favorite Son may be stopping by next Saturday for some hang time – too cool.

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