Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chasing Meatballs to Frozen Morn

I got a lot of unintended exercise yesterday which I guess isn’t a bad thing. Since I’m now back to the Keto diet after my Christmas Cookie and vacation excesses, my “go to” snack is a large tupperware container of meatballs I prepare each Sunday night. Yesterday I stuck my head in the refrigerator to grab a couple while I was hurrying from one side of the house to the other. This was a mistake. In my haste I ended up spilling several dozen meatballs all over the kitchen floor. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that I room with a very energetic (and perpetually hungry) black lab named Buddy.
Kind of Silly Grampa
Buddy, as he is wont to do, was trailing at my side when my week’s worth of snacks deployed onto the floor; here’s where the exercise came in. While simultaneously trying to catch the last few departing meatballs I grabbed Buddy’s collar since he was already in target acquisition mode. I’m glad there were no cameras around because I was probably in America’s Funniest Video quality idiot zone. I had to keep Buddy’s head above floor level while trying to retrieve the fallen dead animal flesh. Buddy has always taken the stance that once something hits the floor it belongs to him and must have thought he’d just won the lottery. He was a worthy opponent but in the end my longer reach and his unwillingness to bare teeth in the effort led to a narrow victory for the homo sapiens. There was still enough debris from the battle that he spent the next thirty minutes cleaning the floor. I’m not sure my wife would approve of a kitchen floor licked clean but this is the best it’s looked in weeks.
Screenshot from my FaceTime Call with First Blog Reader
After this epic battle for kitchen supremacy I finally connected via FaceTime with my daughter and granddaughter which had the predictably soothing effect. My granddaughter is now full on giggling instead of just lighting up rooms with her smiles. She didn’t deign to bestow any on me but the call was still the highlight of the night.
Car This Morning
I prepositioned the snow blower after hearing the weather reports but the snow changed over to ice earlier than predicted. This left everything coated which made the morning commute coming down off the hill a bit more of an adventure than relished. This winter is really turning in a wimpy performance though. I know it’s a dangerous thing to say and tempt fate but the temperatures are heading back into the fifties again tonight. I guess Mother Nature felt like she owed us an easy winter after last year’s apocalyptic weather.

Some samples of my daily photo fix from California:
Dad Hangs

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