Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Yesterday was everything I figured/feared it would be after a flawless weekend of partying with friends and family. I’m a firm believer in the peaks and valleys of life and descending from as  lofty a peak as the past weekend represented promised to be painful. At least I confirmed the intelligence of my long standing policy against drinking beer on a “school night”. I severely violated (with sublime pleasure) that edict on Sunday and the aftereffects dutifully manifested themselves to contribute to the redundant putridity of a garden variety accursed Monday.
For some reason my wife was in a very different place than me. It could have been the all too brief interaction with her good friend TJ Maxx on Sunday but she was a bundle of energy yesterday (never good news for yours truly and a certain black dog). She looked very askance at my lethargic approach to the day, filing my reduced capacity for a future lecture no doubt.

There was good news at work as many of the tasks I was painfully overseeing yesterday involved implementing the new contract the union ratified on Sunday. It includes a new light duty policy which can hopefully reduce the Worker’s Comp abuse that is endemic to the People’s Republic of Taxxachusetts. Prior to this contract the employee could always claim he/she could not return to work until they could fully perform their bid job. That all changes now, as soon as they can perform menial tasks they’ll be required to come back to us. Of course the buses are only available for menial tasks during the 11pm to 7am shift so that’s when their new work schedule will be. It should help separate the malingerers from those who honestly injured themselves on the job.
My wife was kidnapped by the Mafioso neighbor which allowed me the opportunity to watch a couple series premieres I stored over the weekend. The Strain returned with vampires battling to take over NYC despite the antics of Carey Stoll’s capricious hairpiece and the grouchy janitor from Hogwart’s. Ray Donovan also came back with Ray stumbling through the aftermath of last year’s finale. I’m not sure we want to see Raymond so emotionally vulnerable but he did get to cap a couple kidnappers which helped even things out.

Is This the Face That Launched a 1000????
When I put yesterday’s blog post on Facebook, as I do daily, a random picture from the blog also appears (I have no control over which). Yesterday that was the photo of my wife and Keene Friend. Apparently Keene Friend still has his renowned capacity for attracting female attention because my wife received a message from one of her friends in Panama saying Keene Friend looked very interesting and asked if he was single. I’m smart enough to stay out of these female channels and he’s been dodging my wife’s efforts to fix him up for as long as they’ve known each other. We do have a crew of her childhood friends inbound for a visit in August and I’m sure there’ll be the customary need to protect him from their attentions. It’s kind of how he rolls.
A Mildly Dated Photo of My Wife and Her Friends
My Wife is on the Far Right of Back Row

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