Monday, March 23, 2015

Reclamation Operations Day

The Cantankerous One, he of the gentle and temperate nature, opined on Facebook yesterday that based on the description of my Saturday night squiring the Dancing Queen around Worcester, yesterday would be spent in recovery mode. He was partially correct. As winter extended a few more telling jabs to insure my wife will not return next year until well into April we spent the first complete Sunday together since her return.
Dodged It!
One of the sure signs she has returned was my reappearance at church yesterday. The church timbers barely trembled as I slunk back in. My wife is convinced my soul is salvageable; the eternal optimist. Church was followed by the grocery store where pot roast was decisively struck from the menu for the first time in two months.
After lunch we finally started to pursue what my tortured legs had been begging for since I arose – some rest. As stated yesterday my wife was in top dancing form which raises several questions about the amount of time she spent at Joron Zepeda during her Panamanian sojourn. I, on the other hand, was not and the legs were barking at me each time I tried to climb a stair. Apparently snow removal activities are not conducive to staying in shape for dancing. Who knew?
We made a gallant effort at reducing the DVR backlog of all the shows we usually watch together which she missed while down south. We completely caught up with Modern Family and Jane the Virgin. Jane continues to be the funniest show currently on broadcast television. The narrator is hilarious.
We also fielded a couple of calls with diametrically opposed levels of welcome. On the good side my son called to report that he and the ABFA had put a bid in on a house. Theirs has been a long, frustrating hunt for their first house and this was the first time they actually bid on one. They’ll find out today hopefully that their bid was accepted. They have outgrown their apartment which is completely inadequate for nurturing my future grandchildren (yes, you are on the clock).

Daughter and Wingman at St Louis Wedding Over the Weekend - Back in L.A. now
The second call involved news from the opposite end of the enjoyability spectrum. I’d put my phone on mute while at church and then forgot to turn it back on (told you I was out of practice). Late in the evening I noticed a series of texts from my sister reporting that my brother in law had spent the better part of Sunday at the hospital dealing with some severe abdominal pain. I felt bad that someone I care so much about was in pain and I didn’t know about it; even though there was nothing I could have done to help. He’s back home now and feeling better.
Still Frozen

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