Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monday Coronation

As if Monday was not sufficiently challenging in and of itself I took the extraordinary measure of scheduling a dentist appointment for yesterday morning. I figured the day was already a lost cause and why detract from a more hopeful day later in the week. I was back in the chair to have a crown placed on one of my rear molars. This was the first time I’d ever gone through the process which I have to admit doesn’t have a lot to recommend it; except for continued use of the tooth. Okay, so that’s a fairly robust recommendation.
My very attractive dentist continuously asked me if I was feeling any pain, like I would admit that. The tooth receiving coronation had a huge silver filling. I didn’t realize how big until it plopped onto my tongue and nearly sprained it. The assistant snagged it before it slipped down my esophagus. While in the military the dentist always draped the tooth they were working with scaffolding and plastic barriers which was kind of a pain but now understandable. My civilian dentist is more adventuresome. So I’ve got this temporary crown for a couple weeks while they create the permanent crown. The only problem with that is that whenever I’ve got something new on one of my teeth my tongue feels obliged to continually check it out. I can only hope the temporary crown can withstand the assault over the next two weeks.

On a more serious note my maintenance manager is undergoing some very serious cardiac surgery today. He’s an Arab American who smokes like a chimney (at least he did until he received notice of the need for today’s surgery) and is one of the guys I consider a true friend, despite our sometimes diametrically opposed political views. My excellent boss and I took him out to lunch yesterday to wish him luck. I made the mistake of letting him choose the cuisine which landed us in a Middle Eastern restaurant that I didn’t even know existed before yesterday.
My Excellent Boss and Maintenance Manager in Front of Yesterday's Lunch Location
I am the least adventuresome person I know when it comes to gastronomy and certain people reading this are laughing right now understanding my quandary. It turned out to be a lot of fun as the guest of honor took great pains in explaining each of the somewhat mysterious looking concoctions we were presented with. I settled for some very spicy chicken which was very good. My boss and I were the only non-Arabs in the place and I did get a little nervous when our guest started repeatedly referring to me as he does at work – “colonel”. I’m sure the bleak looks I received from a couple of bearded young jihadists were meant to be friendly. My thoughts and prayers are with “my favorite Ayyyrab” and his family today, hoping for the best.

The 2016 presidential campaign lifted off yesterday with the first major candidate to announce his candidacy. Senator Ted Cruz is probably the last thing the country needs right now to break up the inability to govern that has marked the Obama presidency. He’s every bit as obstinate as Obama when it comes to compromising to get the people’s business done, albeit coming from the exact opposite end of the spectrum. It would be so interesting and downright inspirational to have someone from the middle of the political continuum with the courage to withstand the haranguing of the party hacks and govern. Cruz certainly doesn’t possess those credentials.
Front Yard this Morning - Still Limited Progress

Back Yard

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