Thursday, July 17, 2014


Yesterday was probably the best day of the year so far in our house.  My wife specifically and ardently forbid me to comment hereon the blog about her recent health.  A few weeks ago she received a call back after her annual mammography.  They detected an abnormality and she had to return for an ultrasound.  That resulted in the need for a biopsy which was the medical appointment I accompanied her to last Friday.  Yesterday she received the hoped for news that the results of the biopsy were completely negative and there was no cancer involved.
My Hero Last Night at Celebratory Dinner
I can only admire the courage she’s exhibited over the past weeks as she dealt with the fear of not knowing.  Yesterday I realized how much emotion she was keeping bottled up.  When the good news arrived she was a wreck, releasing a reservoir of stored up stress.  She lost a beloved older sister to cancer and was assuming the worst since the first mammogram.  As she is wont to do she was already planning my life for me if she got bad news.  The kids would be responsible for finding me a suitable second wife.

While I was trying to be strong for her during the period of not knowing I harbored some real fear myself.  I feel I've been blessed in my life with so much good fortune that inevitably there will be a price to pay.  I never admitted this to her but I was afraid the bill was being presented. There was a visible lifting of my shoulders as the weight was lifted from my shoulders.

She refused to tell the kids since she didn’t want them to worry about her until there was something solid to worry about, especially with the wedding coming up.  She was adamant that this type news would not hover over the wedding festivities.  We told them last night and while they were both happy with the news they took their mother to task for keeping it a secret from them.  I tried to jump on a soap box and proclaim that I had advised her to tell them right away.  Before my halo was fully secure they both reminded me that I had done the exact same thing with a couple health scares I had.  I beat a hasty retreat at that point.  A very, very good day!

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