Thursday, March 14, 2013

Transition Day

Well Done
Well yesterday saw some interesting transitions in the world, some incredibly important such as the new Pope and some of the severely more mundane like Wes Welker.

I don’t know how a stodgy old group of Eurocentric senior citizens like the college of Cardinals did it but they certainly shocked the world by selecting a Pope outside their historical comfort zone and choosing a Latin American pontiff.  I really like this choice.  I’ve been all over the world and the most heartfelt devotion of Catholicism I observed was among Latinos.  As Christian faith seems to wane more and more each year in Europe it remains strong and vibrant south of our borders, so kudos to the guys in red – well done.  I also really like the fact that the new Pope seems more a man of the people, humble and focused on helping the poor.    

To the mundane side of things – Wes Welker is no longer a member of the New England Patriots.  He departed for the Broncos which I hate but I also understand he was not in the Patriots’ plans for the future.  While I know it enrages the fandom I always like it when a team takes a practical look, establishes a value on a player and don’t get themselves in a financial bind by overpaying for a popular player.  I loved Welker as a player but he could be taken out of games by defenses and he seemed to wilt a little bit during the playoffs.  I will never forgive him for dropping that pass that would have secured a Patriots’ Super Bowl win – never.

I continued my basement project last night.  I moved into Buddy’s primary residential area and he was not pleased.  His cage was moved upstairs to a bathroom and he did not take the move gracefully.  It’s tough walking up a flight of stairs with a large cage and have that cage’s primary occupant slithering through your legs at the same time.  He then took up station at the top of the stairs and whined the entire time I was painting. 

Luckily my favorite daughter called to drown him out.  She’s basking in the returned presence of her globetrotting husband.  It was nice to hear a real spark in her voice.  I’m looking forward to obtaining a similar spark for myself in a couple weeks when a certain Panamanian is forced to return from southern climes.
Buddy's Area Before
And After
Buddy Unhappily Ensconced in His Temporary Cave
The Melt Continues

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