Thursday, March 21, 2013

Less Than Incredible

Yesterday was a lot more fun than it started out to be.  After clearing out what has become my nightly issue of new snow on the driveway I piled a bunch of stuff we were donating to the big brothers/sisters.  They periodically have drive bys where you can leave clothes and other items out to donate.  After clearing the bobcat tarnished driveway I had the pile at the base of the driveway when I noticed that the pile seemed to be staging a slow get away and was now halfway into the street.  The first day of spring had had no effect on the layer of ice so I had to improvise.  It was gone when I got home from work (hopefully into their truck and not somewhere downhill).
The Escape Prone Pile
I had the opportunity to lunch with my favorite son – something that has become an extremely welcome part of my weekly routine.  I swore that when he got back from the far flung reaches of the world that I would do a better job of doing these lunches.  I hope he enjoys them even a little bit as much as I do.  We also did a cargo transfer of some of his items from the basement but the best part was the lunch (just good people).

Speaking of the basement I turned a fairly significant corner last night.  I moved the items from the most cluttered area of the basement (hence the cargo transfer) and knocked out that part.  I also think I found the last of my vast trove of books.  It was a little comical as I moved stuff I would find yet another location where I had stacked books.  I had the car fully loaded but had to return six different times as I found yet more books while cleaning.  In addition to the books and the escape prone pile from the morning I have a bunch of metal objects going to the company’s metal dumpster today so someone can profit from it.  I also have a pile of wooden objects that will be sawed into firewood this weekend – no one said there wouldn’t be casualties.
After (and focused)
I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel for the project.  I’m guessing Sunday I will put down the final coat and then launch into frenzied pre-wife house cleaning.

Since the roads were finally non-ice covered I was able to sneak in my weekly movie fix by seeing The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.  It was okay and entertaining but I left thinking kind of – “ehhh”.  It boasts a truly fantastic cast, Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Steve Buscemi, Olivia Wilde (thank you), James Gandolfini, and Alan Arkin.  While there was some really funny stuff – especially from Carrey in full maniac mode – I felt this movie was a miss.  Carell is so likable in most of his work that trying to see him as a less than sympathetic character was tough.  Not a bad problem to have – being so nice it’s hard to imagine him as a jerk.

After the movie I made my way over to the book bin to donate my treasure trove.  It took me nearly a half hour to get rid of it all.  I said goodbye to a whole lot of really old friends.
This is Not A Repeat of Earlier Photo
Last Night's Load of Friends
Had to Drop the Rear Seat to Fit Them All In

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