Wednesday, March 27, 2013

She’s Baaaaack!!!!!!

A Sight for Immensely Sore Eyes
Toilet seats were coming down all over the house yesterday as my wife made her long anticipated return from her winter sojourn in Panama.  Buddy and I made it to the finish line as the male dominated household of the past two months was transitioned into the normal state of affairs (Thank God!)

I was actually a little late picking her up at the airport (something I never do).  I left as soon as I heard she was in her plane at Washington Dulles Airport.  I figured the two hours would be plenty of time.  I failed to account the Boston traffic.  Since there were no accidents I have to assume the poor slobs I was sharing the road with yesterday afternoon do this every day.  It took me over an hour to get from I-95 to Logan Airport; something that took me less than thirty minutes when I dropped her off.  My daughter called as I was creeping by Fenway Park which she thought was cool because that’s the same area she went to college (I thought it was decidedly less than cool at that moment).  She was a little giddy since she was reunited with her own spouse also yesterday.

It was so good seeing my other half at the baggage claim belt.  I know that doesn’t sound very romantic but believe me – it was.  She ended up only having to wait five minutes and introduced me to a new friend she made on the flight up from Washington (it’s what she does).

I started my three dozen rose campaign in the car.  I was in such a rush when I parked that I forgot to bring her jacket into the terminal.  She forgot that failure as soon as she saw the first dozen roses.

Phase One of Rose Campaign - Success
We made our way back through Boston where the traffic had magically cleared even though only twenty minutes had passed.  She regaled me with stories around the obligatory calls to our progeny.  The drive back seemed to fly by because I had my very entertaining wife beside me at last.  She talked literally the whole way to the restaurant and I loved every minute of it.

After dinner we finally got home to a very raucous welcome from Buddy.  He was typically frantic in his reception and I think my wife was really touched.  The cutest thing was that since she had left with the PanaGals he went looking for them as well.  You could almost hear his question – “where are the rest of my friends?”  He was so frenetic that my wife didn’t even notice the basement floor was completely painted.  She paid suitable homage to my efforts once she did notice (made it all worth it). 

Buddy Was Moving So Fast It Was Hard to Focus
We went upstairs where she encountered Phase 2 of the rose campaign.  The house passed initial inspection although there were some concerned comments about the dried out state of one of her favorite plants.  Luckily there was a phase 3 to the rose campaign awaiting her upstairs and she forgot about the dried plant.  Win!!!!!!

It was so good getting her back.  There’s a shorthand to our communication that immediately went back into effect.  She really is my other half and yesterday I was finally complete again.

My Wife With Her Family In Panama


  1. Hooray, Dad! So happy!

    Also, thought it was hilarious that in this post that commemorates Mom's return, you started it with the words "Toilet seats." Hahaha.
