Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Stormy Night

What my Wife thinks Every Thunder Storm Will Bring

I barely beat some pretty terrific thunder storms home last night after work. Living on a hill gives us an expansive view of incoming weather and I was impressed with the march of clouds heading our way. My wife, on the other hand, is absolutely terrified of thunder storms which may explain why she hated our assignments to Kansas back in our Army days. I opened the garage to find she had evacuated all her freshly planted flower pots from Deckzilla which was no mean task in and of itself. She was trying to put a brave face on in the kitchen as the storm descended upon us.
After giving her the usual hard time about her lack of courage in this area, I believe the word, “Pendejo” was used, I relented and suggested we adjourn to the bunker like environment of the Man Cave. So win-win. We were both reminded of our adventures with Buddy the Wonder Pooch who feared these storms even more than my Favorite Panamanian to the cost of a couple thousand dollars in damage to during his frantic attempts to burrow. We were safely ensconced in the cave and didn’t even hear Keene Friend when he arrived and prepared dinner upstairs. I was also heartened this morning to find that my front yard of dirt didn’t wash away as the promised grass is now starting to peek out of the ground.
We Have Grass!
The FBR had been on thin ice at her day care provider on Monday. She’d refused to take her afternoon nap and of course thought the rest of the gang she join her in staying awake. The day care provider was not amused at her mutiny, to the point she called Wingman to report her. Yesterday brought much better news as we caught up with the FBR as she was bouncing on her trampoline to celebrate a successful day in the nap department.
I’ve written before about how I’ve abandoned watching the NBA which I consider pretty much unwatchable since the current product resembles more of a one on one isolation game versus a team sport. It also bothers me that traveling and carrying the ball is routinely allowed and there are different rules for different players. Soxfather, his son - my Namesake Nephew, and Keene Friend have all tried to encourage me to watch the current Celtics team which they claim is very entertaining. Since I wasn’t able to coax my wife out into the rain for a movie last night we stayed in and watched the Celtics game against the Lebron led Cavaliers. I actually watched the entire second half and those friends were right. The very plucky and undermanned Celtics team took their game to another level, passing the ball and playing stifling defense. I’m not saying I’m sold on getting back to watching the NBA product but last night was very entertaining and seeing Lebron get smacked in the mouth was worth the price of admission.

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