Thursday, May 31, 2018


The Turn Over Gal and her Soon to be Quarry

Both of my children look at me askance at times for refusing to fully embrace the complete spectrum of social media outlets available. They’ve gotten me on Facebook and hell I’m even writing a blog (in case you hadn’t noticed) but that’s about as far as I’m going. I’d like to take aim at Twitter and ask why we need it. I don’t believe the world would be any poorer if we weren’t exposed to the random thoughts of, well basically everybody. I know without a doubt we would be better off without a certain twitter account currently based at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but that’s too easy.
By allowing everyone’s personal demons to fully express themselves a lot of pre-technological illusions are shattered. It’s awfully tough to root for certain athletes and other celebrities when they declare themselves to be functional idiots; although that hasn’t seemed to hurt any of the Kardashians yet. I do find it amazing how many of these celebrity twitter accounts are hacked just for the purpose of putting inappropriate, and acumen level revealing, tweets out there.
Roseanne is the latest celebrity to be outed by herself and as a result hundreds of people affiliated with her show have lost their jobs. One could argue that the world is better off without a hidden racist dominating the airwaves which begs the question as to exactly how hidden it was in the first place. Noted British philosopher Montgomery Python had it right when they held the Upper Class Twit of the Year competition (one of the funniest comedy sketches ever made). Every time I hear about a Twitter fail, that sketch, somewhat appropriately, pops into my head.
On an exceedingly more positive note I got to speak with both granddaughters last evening. The FBR was fighting a case of sniffles which made her less than communicative. She wouldn’t react to even my most humorous facial contortions. The news was much better up in New Hampshire where my Favorite Son reported the BRS had finally solved her arm tuck issues and succeeded in turning over, something she has been trying to do for weeks. Once accomplished, she did it three more times. Parents of young children will realize this is the first step in starting to crawl which will make life exceedingly interesting for her parents, not to mention a certain golden retriever. Riggins’ days of peaceful, uninterrupted  naps could be numbered.

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